Hello there. My name is Creed Murser I am 19 years old and from the humble town of Murrieta. I am currently a college student at John Dou univerity...lol Like hell am I gonna tell you what school I'm going to on the spot. You'll have to find that out later. ninja Anyway as you might have guessed I love anime with every fiber of my being. I love to draw it, I love to watch it and I love to read it. I also love to tinker with fun gadgets.... no not THOSE kind of gadget if you even think that. stare Well that's all I'm gonna give out so if you wanna know more you know what to do......<br />
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Oh and one other thing.There is one little tidbit in here that isn't true. Can you guess what I lied about? rolleyes <br />
I promis to give you something if you guess it right. 4laugh