• (After beating Ganondorf Dragmire and Midna went back to the Twilight Realm and destroyed the Mirror of Twilight, Link enters a race for the heck of it across Hyrule)

    "Racers," shouted Malo, at the start line at Malo Mart of Castle Town,"On your mark! Get Set! GO!"

    And with the bright flash of a deku nut, the race was started. Among the competitors were Link, The Postman, a Zora, and a Goron. Link started the race, greatly in the lead on Epona. For a few hours Link continues to hold a strong lead. But when darkness falls, Link gets lost. This would be the last Hyrule would see Link for a long time.

    While wandering, lost, Link runs across a strange cave. With the possibilities of starting a new adventure, Link bears the Ordon sword, given to him, well, more like stolen, from a villager in his hometown.

    Wandering for many hours, Link soon realizes that it is too dark to see in the cave. He pulls out his lantern, realizing that he doesn't have that much oil left in it, lights it. Then he sees, a few feet in front of him, a giant door, with some writing on it. Due to the very low light from the lantern, Link can barely make out what it says.

    "Past this door lies a land that is soon to be doomed again. Saved once before by a young man in green, this land shall once again lay in peril, looking for this hero. It is when that hero appears before this door, it will open."

    After Link reads this, an earthquake occurs. During the earthquake, the door slowly opens. Past this door lies more cave, with paths going over open chasms in the ground. Link cautiously advances, and remembering that his lantern is low on oil, he runs through this path. When he makes it across, he spots an exit to the cave, just as his lantern oil runs out. He then rushes out the exit, into the unknown of the new world.

    Link wanders for several days through forest area, When Link emerges, he spots a young girl around his age. Link approaches, she turns, sees his face, and runs. Link follows, hopefully leading him to a town. He follows her to a little cabin, out in the meadow.

    When Link arrives, a burly man, probably in his 30s, comes out.

    "So," he says,"Is this the one that the legend says it is? Green Hat, Green Tunic. Must be him." He goes inside, soon to be followed out by a young boy, that seems to be the man's student.

    "Today is the day I have trained you for. You must apply the skills I taught you for the true test of the chosen one."

    The student looks scared at first, but then he runs full force towards Link. Link braces, holding up his shield. The boy hit it fairly hard, thrusting Link to the ground. Link recovers quickly, and bears his sword. After several minutes of sword locking and near hit shots, Link gets an upper hand when the student shows weakness. He knocks the boy to the ground, but is immediately thrust down.

    Link looks at who could've thrust him down, and it was the girl he saw when he first got to the new land. She helps the boy up, while shedding some tears in fear. "It's ok, Link," she says to the boy, "This is what My dad taught you to do. You did what you were supposed to, and this person is the one."

    She turns towards our Link, and extends her hand to help him up. "You fought well, Link. Yes, I know your name. I'll explain inside." She escorts both Links inside.

    While sitting at a table, Uncle explained that his Nephew was named Link because that is the name of the Hero of Legend, and the prophecised hero.
    Just as Uncle was about to explain the prophecy, his daughter sits down, bringing dinner. Link, famished from many days of surviving off of Superb Soup, given to him by the Yeti's, eats it. Uncle's daughter introduces herself as Malon, named after a famous horse owner from the original hero's homeland.

    Shortly after dinner, our Link heads to bed early after being exhausted from his trip. In his dream, a swirl of light, that Link cannot identify comes to him. It speaks in a soft voice.

    "Hero of Far Away Land, Hero of the Volcano, Hero of the Waters, and Hero of the Loners. These heroes were born at the same exact moment years ago. They have just realized their powers, and are destined to meet. When the land enters peril, it will be these heroes that will be destined to meet at the center of the land, and destroy the reigns of evil. When that day comes, you Hero of the Far Away Land, will know... For now, my power is fading. You must seek the other heroes, and bring them together. Fir now, go to the mountains, and seek the Hero of the Volcano. He is currently attempting to save his people, and needs assistance. You are the only one that can help him now Link...."

    The light fades into darkness. This darkness takes over, Leading Link into following a seemingly endless path. It feels like Link runs this path for days. He grows weak, and is captured. Brought to a mysterious figure, Link wakes up. He peers out the window to see Uncle working in the fields, and soon smells cucco eggs being cooked.

    At breakfast, Uncle tells Link that the other Link wandered off like normal, and will probably be back by the end of the day. Uncle soon pulls out a map, apparently marked for his trade route around this land. On the top, Link sees the word Termina. Uncle explains the land. He says that he normally travels along a trade route to and from Clock Town. Link spots the Mountains, and points there. Uncle explains that is what used to be called Snowhead, but now is the site of an active volcano.

    Uncle, realizing how much time he wasted, quickly asks if he would like a ride to Clock Town, and maybe Link can find more information there. Link agrees to it, and sets off in the back of a carriage to Clock Town.

    (Link is sleeping in a carriage on the way to Clock Town)

    Darkness starts to surround Link again. He has the same dream as before, running through a dark passageway, and is soon captured. When he is brought to the shadow figure, Link hears a voice. It senses evil, but he cannot make out what it is saying, or if it is a male or female voice.

    Then Link is awakened by the sound of a bell, apparently from the giant tower in the center of Clock Town. "We're here," Uncle said,"Link, you can run off and look for what you need."

    As soon as Link hops out of the back of the carriage, Malon stops him.
    "Link," she says, in a worried voice,"you must have had a bad dream while you were sleeping. I heard you slightly yelling, and you were heavily sweating. Is everything ok?"

    Link shakes his head. He didn't want to worry Malon. While walking around the hustle and bustle of Clock Town, Link overhears a conversation.

    "The volcano has been quite active lately! I think it's because of an evil spirit that has risen! Wait.... it couldn't be....."

    Just at that point, the volcano erupted, sending the town into chaos, with the earthquakes. Link hides for cover, and waits for the eruption to end, and decides that he must venture is way up to what used to be Snow Peak. When he heads out the north gate, a guard stops him, and warns of the hot lava that might be along the path. And the fact that the volcano could erupt at any given notice. Link keeps his mind set forward to his goal, and continues, no matter the dangers.

    (Link is on his way up Snowpeak, fighting the volcano)
    (Soon after making it most of the way up, the volcano erupts, trapping Link on a little piece of land. Then there is a bright light, and part of the lava flow turned straight to ice. Link takes the opportunity and escapes. Not paying attention, Link bumps into somebody. Somebody big, and hard.)

    "Well, are you going to thank me for helping you," asked a deep and rocky sounding voice. Link looked up to see Darbus, along with Gor Coron.
    "I thought we'd find you out here. It's too dangerous to talk out here, lets go back to the tribe."

    Link followed Darbus, while Gor Coron trailed behind. Along the way, Gor Coron explained that under Princess Zelda's request, all the major tribe leaders come to Termina, and assist in the natural disasters occurring.

    When they arrived to the Goron Tribe of Termina, they were greeted by many gorons. And while Link was looking around, he saw a young boy, around Link's age, looking at him with some excitement. When Link, Darbus, and Gor Coron finally got to the meeting room, the meeting was already in progress, so the three of them sat down and listened in.

    ".... And we just sent a team, along with our own Patriarch, to go investigate the volcano, in hopes of finding what is causing this major disturbance. Hopefully news will turn up. Our Patriarch has told us that if he doesn't return in 3 days, then we are to flee the mountain to save our lives."

    The young boy Link saw earlier then stood up," Excuse me," he said," I do not believe those were the words of our Patriarch. I believe that our Patriarch would want us to go help him. The Gorons are very powerful people, and so am I! I believe if we work together, we could help him!"

    As soon as the young boy seemed finished, the Goron holding the meeting yelled," I do not believe you have any rights to interject! You are not a Goron! Even though we may have raised you as a Brother, you still are not one of us. It is our tribe we are dealing with. You do not take control!"

    Dignity shattered, the young man sat down, and remained silent for the rest of the meeting. After the meeting got out, Darbus went his own way, and told Gor Coron to stay with Link. After Link got bored of waiting for Darbus to get back, Link set out to look for him. He thought it wouldn't be that hard to find anybody that big.

    After searching for about an hour, Link sees Darbus walking with the young boy. Link walks up to them, and Darbus tuned around and said, "Link! Great timing. Just the person I wanted to get. Follow me, I need to speak with the both of you in private."

    "Alright, Link I would like fo you to meet Kafeiton. He is the only living relative to the people in one of the greatest love stories of all time," Darbus said. "And Kafeiton, this is Link. He is the hero of our tribe many months ago. I'm not too sure as to why he is in Termina, but I beleive it is a sign."

    Link looked over at Kafeiton, who's eyes were wide in awe. "This is your hero," he asked, turning to Darbus, "I feel honored to be in his presence."

    "Honored," Darbus said with a slight chuckle, "Honored doesn't cut it. Kafeiton, this will be the beginning of a major adventure. I'm not quite sure what is happening in the world, but it is by legend that you and Link team up to save it."

    "You mean," Kafeiton said,"I'm to help Link? I don't think I could do that. I feel I would probably hold him back! Am I actually the one who is to help him?"

    "I don't think you would hold Link back. You have to be among the strongest. No, the strongest man alive. You even rank 3rd in strength to the Gorons! You will help Link, and find out what is going on," Darbus stated.

    After a few moments of silence, Darbus started talking again. "Well, I need to explain something to the both of you. Due to the recent events happening, and the Terminian Goron's Patricarch's absence, I need to go and assist him. I'm sure you will understand. So Kafeiton, I need you to keep an eye over this tribe while I am gone. And Link, you help him in any way you can. Kafeiton knows the people the best."

    Immediately after Darbus finished, an earthquake occurred. Darbus immediately left, to go find out what was wrong. Kafeiton immediately started to look around, making sure all of the gorons were safe. Afterwards, the both of them relaxed.

    "Must be nice, huh Link," Kafeiton said, "You know, being a hero and all. At least at home, you were like your people, not looking like some outcast. I'm sure you might of had some family. I never had that. I've always been with the Gorons, as long as I can remember. When I was young, I was treated as an outcast by some others. I found out the only way I could be recognized by the Gorons, was to become s strong as one. And I trained for several years. All day and all night. I soon became as strong as the Gorons. But when that came, very few people noticed me. So I continued to train, knowing that if I was as strong as the best, maybe the others would notice me. When I got as strong as I was now, I knew I was amongthe best. The only others that were stronger were Darbus, and his older brother, who is our Patriarch."

    "Then, several months ago, there were rumors of a hero that risked his life to save Darbus. When I heard that, I desired to become stronger. Hoping to be like him, and be written down in Goron legend, as many others have before. But soon after, Darbus, along with Gor Coron, came to our tribe. They were to assist us in our times of need. I wanted to show that I was strong to my people, so I decided to do the only thing that I could. I challenged Darbus to a wrestling match. I failed miserably, but Darbus told me one thing that I follow to this day. 'Strength does not define a man. It is courage and wisdom that complete them. There will come a day when you will realize that. And only on that day, will you become stronger than me.' So then I changed my focus. I wanted to find out what he meant by that. Ever since, Darbus has assisted me. And since the other Gorons saw me assisting Darbus, they realized that I was actually one of them, even though physically I wasn't. That was when I think Darbus' words meant something to me. But still, I can't figure it all.... out..."
    And with a big yawn Kafeiton went to sleep. Link fell asleep shortly after, knowing that soon, even more adventures lie ahead.

    Link awoke to the rumble of a fleet of Gorons rolling by. Link glanced to where Kafeiton was sleeping to notice he was gone. Link walked, dodging the hustle and bustle of the Goron city to reach the Patriarch's room. Inside, Kafeiton was reading a parchment, in some disbelief.

    Kafeiton looked up, and saw Link. He set the paper down, stood up and said, "Link! You're awake. Did you sleep well?"

    Link nodded, then looked at the papers. Kafeiton saw Link looking at the papers, and the mood of the entire room changed. "This was a letter from our Patriarch. It says that if he is not to return to the town within 3 days, evacuate all of Snowpoint and go to Hyrule where our brothers there will take care of us. I cannot believe this! Is the situation worse than I believed? Is there more to this than what you and I know?"

    Just at that point, another earthquake struck. Kafeiton ran outside of the room with Link following immediately behind. Outside, nothing was destroyed and nobody was hurt, so Kafeiton was relieved.
    "Earthquakes have definitely been more and more common over the past few days. Some Gorons have been getting stressed. I see now what the Patriarch meant. We must evacuate everybody!" Kafeiton turned to some Gorons who were dumbstruck from the last earthquake, and told them to get started on evacuating the town, and send the Gorons to Hyrule.
    "Link! We must find out what caused all of this. We shall leave immediately to look for those that left."
    Both Link and Kafeiton left, and journeyed through the mountain. Soon enough, they came to a cliff, the ground covered in soot from the recent volcanic activity. Link looked down at his feet while Kafeiton thought of somewhere else to look in the mountains. There was a peice of wood sticking out of the ground. Link picked it up to see it was the remaints of a sign. It read:
    Snowpoint Temple: Straight ahead
    "Dead ahead," Kafeiton read, and he looked to the cliff. In the distance from the ash and soot polluting the air, he barely spotted a mountain. "Is it over there? How would we get there?"
    After a few minutes of thinking with no results, the decided to turn back. Then out of Link's shadow, a figure popped up. Link and Kafeiton both jumped.
    Midna, in her full princess garb was standing before them.
    "Link," she started, "Looks like you will need some help here, right?"
    Link was just staring in awe. An old friend returned.