• i was in pursuit of a monster never before seen in Gaia... and i think i may be close. driving along i saw a dead body on the side of the road i pulled over 4 a closer look and saw a bite marks in its neck, with a tone of Grey to the corpses skin he had been sucked dry.. i manned my frost blade knowing the killer was near... in my bag i had a stake at ready so i can pin the vampire into the ground. looking at the ground i saw foot prints.... following them they ended in under a tree, i looked up and and suddenly i saw 2 red cinders''VAMPIRE''i said and in a flash he jumped out of the tree and dived at me SLASh blood covered me and the ground as lower half of his lay on the ground sepping blood.. i turned around seein it trying too escape i grabbed a stake out of my bag saying ''it is the end for you my friend'' he hissed in last defence trying to scare me off with my stake at hand i drove it into his chest killing him instantly.. walking away i thought i killed him

    next day i walked out of an inn in durem cleaned and refreshed i got in my car and drove heading towards the van helsons castle opon ariving van helson walked out of his castle 2 meet me ''hello what is your buisness here'' he said
    ''2 kill you u hybrid vampire''
    sudden ly his turned skwinty and blood red as he dove at me i kicked him in the stomach upon landing on me ...i drew a ice crystal that turned into my frost blade. wielding it at hand he hissed and ran at me , quickly i drew a crossand he flew over a cliff where he fell and fell until a blast of dust appeared 20,000 feet below... my job is done...
    .................................................THE END...................................................................................................