• ‡~~~†he Lost †win of †he Sea~~‡

    Chapter I

    In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a twin was born. These two, mermaid twins, are the princesses of the sea. During the middle of the celebration of their birth, the evil, dark Hexon, came and ruined the whole palace. The reason of Hexon ruining the palace was to take the twin sisters and get their power to dominate the whole sea. But before he could do that the king used his power to send away the two sisters to the Atlantic Sea but if Hexon knew that the sisters are there he might take them away so the king send one of the twins away in the human world. Without one of them their powers are useless. Now the sisters are apart. In the legend it says when a mermaid grew up in the human world they will have legs but when they turn 14 every time they touch salt water they will have their tail but when dry it will turn to legs again. For mermaid that grew up in the sea, when the tail is dry it will also turn into legs. Now, the twin that was sent to the Atlantic waters (Sophia) must find her long lost sister (Sophie) in the human world. In order to know who Sophie is, both of them have a birthmark on their shoulder that looks like two stars, one’s big and the other is small, their placed side by side.

    Meanwhile, in the human word where Sophie was brought a lonely couple were walking by the shore hoping to have a miracle, for their wish to have a lovely baby come true. Near the roaring waters, smashing on the rocks a crying baby(Sophie) was lying down on the sand, because of their pity they took Sophie in their arms. And because of the note that was beside the baby, that noted “please take good care of our baby, her name is Sophie.”
    13years later, in Seaside Secondary School, Sophie is making her way to her classroom when she bumped into a surfer, that’s also a student, Kelton. Her books were allover the place her papers were a scattered. Without noticing she picked up her books and papers and by accident Kelton touched her hand while picking the books up. As they glanced at each other both blushed. And then the school bell rang.

    “Oops sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going, I’m so sorry” said Sophie. “It’s okay, I too wasn’t looking where I’m going” replied Kelton. “Let’s go, if were late the teacher is going to get mad at us” said Kelton.

    As the two hurried and picked up Sophie’s books, and hurried up to class, but when they got there the teacher was already there. The two slowly crept behind the class while the teacher was writing on the board.

    “So glad you can join us, Sophie and Kelton!” shouted the teacher, Ms. Karen. “Oops we got caught” Kelton murmured. “Both of you detention after class” Ms. Karen continued. “Wow Sophie gets detention! It’s the first time I ever saw got one…” the class murmured. “Okay class; remember I am as strict as lion, now if you want to continue-… Kelton and Sophie! You can go back to your seats now, and then we shall continue” said Ms. Karen. “It’s your fault I had detention” Sophie murmured to Kelton. “It’s not my fault you weren’t looking where you’re going” Kelton replied.

    After class the two went to detention, Kelton headed out to the beach for some surfing.
    Meanwhile, Sophie went home and helped her aunt in doing house hold chores. After a few years ago Sophie’s step parents died in a terrible accident and left Sophie to Kathie, the sister of Sophie’s step mom.

    Kathie was busy with work and left a note on the fridge saying “I can’t go home early today. Sophie so please do the chores and cook dinner, Kathie.” “Ooh Kathie is going to be late so I better get started with my chores” Sophie complained. (Knock) “Somebody is on the door, I wonder who it is?” said Sophie. As she open the door Kelton was there standing. “Why are you here?” Sophie asked. “I’m here to say sorry about class, I just heard that it was your first detention and you’re a straight A student” replied Kelton. “To make it up to you, do you want to go watch a movie with me?” Kelton asked. “Uhmm… sure after I finish my chores” replied Sophie.

    Chapter II

    Weeks have passed since Sophia was looking for Sophie. “Hmm… maybe I should go look in the human word instead of just wandering around looking in the distance” said Sophia. After the night it was Monday and students are getting ready for school. (Buzz) “Sophie, hurry up, it’s Monday and you have to go to school” Kathie said. “Ooh… I forgot” replied Sophie while putting her shoes, brushing her teeth and putting her uniform on. (Bang) “What was that!” Kathie exclaimed. (As Sophie fell from the chair she was standing on to, get her bag.) “I’m okay” murmured Sophie. *sigh* (Knock-knock) “Somebody’s on the door” Kathie yelled. “I’ll get it” replied Sophie. “Ooh…it’s just you” murmured Sophie. “I’m really sorry about the whole detention thing…” exclaimed Kelton. “It’s ok” she replied. “Well let’s go if we don’t want to have detention again” Sophie continued.

    Meanwhile, Sophia is now living in the human world and she has a lot of problems with the things around her.

    (Buzz the school bell rings) “Yes we made it in time” exclaimed Kelton. *sigh* Ms. Karen says “I’ll be starting class now, but before that I’ll be happy to introduce you to Sophia, she is from-. “ “Hawaii, I’m from Hawaii” Sophie continued. *sigh*

    “Sophia you can sit beside Sophie” said Ms. Karen. As Sophia walks over to her seat she realizes that somehow Sophie kind of looks like her. “Hi I’m Sophie, nice to meet you” Sophie greeted. “Hey do you want to walk with me after class?” she asked. “Sure, why not?” Sophia replied. “Hey! How come I’m not going?” Kelton asked hesitantly. “Who’s he?” Sophia asked. “He’s just some nobody” Sophie replied.

    Chapter III

    After school the school, the girls bonded. While walking on the way home, Because of Sophia’s curiosity she asked Sophie “Uhmm… Sophie do you have a birth mark on your shoulder?” “How did she-“Sophia murmured. “Yea, But how did you know?” She asked hesitantly. Sophia explained calmly and gently “I know this sounds weird but were twins, but not a normal kind of twin were mermaids, but it’s ok because-. “ “Mermaids, you got to be kidding me. That a funny joke, you got me.” She replied laughing. “No, see I have a birthmark too and it looks just like yours” said Sophia. “No way I grew up here if I was your twin will be together swimming in the sea.” Sophie shouted.

    After the two’s arguments Sophie ran back to her house leaving Sophia alone. While running Sophie realized something, she realized that she kind of looks like her and have the same birthmark. “No it can’t be I have human parents and, and-“because of her regrets and her past she cried all the way home, and ran directly to her room, whining, and looked the doors shut.

    “What’s wrong Sophie” Kathie asked while standing on the door of Sophie room, listening. “Go away!” She replied. “You know you can’t find answers if you don’t ask.” Kathie exclaimed. Quietly Sophia opened the door and started telling Kathie what happened. “So that’s what happened” Kathie replied. “I don’t know what she’s talking about” said Sophia. Quietly tears began to fall from Kathie eyes. “What’s wrong Kathie?” Sophia asked. Slowly Kathie pulled out a letter from her pocket and said “This letter is from your parents, they entrusted me this till the right time to give you” Kathie murmured. Taking the letter quietly, she opened the letter. On the letter it said “Sophie it was a stormy night when me and your dad found you on the shore along the roaring waters, the only mark that can be found on you was the birthmark on your shoulder we asked everyone in town but nobody claimed you, so we took you in with open arms and treated you like our own. We wish you could forgive us for hiding it from you. Remember we will always love and guide you even if you found your true parents. Love mom and dad.” Slowly tears fell down from Sophia’s eyes and she hugged Kathie and said “I have to find Sophia and ask for forgiveness that I have mistaken her.”

    She ran as fast as she can and started looking for Sophia, but she can’t find her anywhere. When she was about to give up she saw Kelton walking towards her. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Cheer up besides it’s your birthday tomorrow right? Well is it” Kelton asked. “Yeah it’s my birthday tomorrow but did you find Sophia anywhere?” Sophie asked. “Yea I saw her running toward the cliff” Kelton replied. Sophie ran to the cliff. “Wait!” Kelton shouted. By the time she gets there Sophia was gone.

    Chapter IV

    The next day, it was Sophie’s 13th birthday, and also the day she turns into a mermaid, but Sophie doesn’t know that. By the time she woke up she ran to the shore and started looking for Sophia. But while she was walking the salt water touched her feet and amazingly it turn into a tail and the Sophie believed that she really is a mermaid. She soared into the oceans floor, flying like bird underwater, looking for Sophie. Distances away she saw a castle and swam to it but when she was there mermaids were fighting against Hexon’s power and minions. Then she saw Sophia battling dark’s powers. Then she swam as fast as she can and helped Sophia.

    “Well, well, well why is it Sophie the princess mermaid that left her palace in order to save her life” exclaimed Hexon. “Princess?” Sophie murmured. “Yes you are the princess of the sea well both of us and you didn’t betray your race the king used his power to send you away for you to be safe” said Sophia. “Enough chit chat, I’ll get your powers no matter what!” Hexon exclaimed. “How do we stop him?” Sophie asked. “We have to combine our powers by setting our birthmark side by side.” said Sophia.

    With a gleaming white light from them, bubbles swirled around them. After the swirls of bubbles they turned changed into beautiful mermaid complete with accessories and stronger powers. With their power they have vanished Hexon for good, and he’ll never come back again.

    After the successful battle the whole palace joined the celebration of their victory and the change and birthday of their princesses. And everybody in the sea was never bothered again by Hexon’s powers. After the celebration Sophie went back to the human world to say some good byes.

    “Bye Kathie, don’t worry, I’ll go visit one in a while and Kelton… bye” said Sophie. Then Sophie gave them both a beautiful shell to remember her by. The she left with tears on her eyes. Before she left Kelton held her hand and told her “Sophie I know you’re happy that you’re happy because you found your family but I have something to say” said Kelton.
    “What is it?” replied Sophie. “I Love You” exclaimed Kelton. Then he gave her a big hug the Sophie left with a smile on her face.