• as i looked apon the matigore my coolness levle went down 200%.I sceamed epp get away from me a ran and then i stoped and did the first blow a insint kill.it dint do that the hair burshed up aginst my arm and it drooped wow posin strong i said.Rawwhahhahaha said the mantigore punney just puney.Well to bad im waren a bio suit so the posin drains i said.Hmm ull die none the less it said it burend like a sun of a *****.I hurled ia fire ball at it but i pounsed at me i barly escaped but his claws dug into my back.I turend around and blam a grate punch knoked him back and i thru my scythe at him and it cut off his head.Frost bite sceamed at me u fool ill kill u-end chap-9 comment