• 6:20 pm it said as i read my clock
    I wore a dark blue dress. It fell to my knees. No straps.
    5 mins later Takeshi came
    "Hello? Basil? Are you there?" Takeshi said as he rung the doorbell.
    "Yea. I'm Coming." I said.

    I opened the door.
    "Hello Takeshi!" I said
    He gaped at me.
    "Umm Takeshi is there something wrong?" I said
    "Um no Y-You just look so beautiful!" Takeshi said.
    "Umm Thx" I said while i blushed.
    "Let's go the limo is waiting" Takeshi said.
    "Okay!" I said happily.

    6:55pm we arrived at the dance.
    The driver opened the door for me.
    "We're here Miss." said The driver (Butch)
    "Come on takeshi let's go!" I said.
    "O-okay" Takeshi said.

    As we entered people gaped at us but then quickly resumed dancing
    "Hey come on basil let's go and dance!" Takeshi said
    "Okay!" I said.
    We danced and danced for what seemed like hours! Then The Principal
    (Principal Hiro) Annouced the Prom King and Queen.
    "Now Ladies and gentlemen of Cherry High. Time to announce the King and Queen" Princpal Hiro said.
    "For the King.......Takeshi Hatake!" princ. Hiro said.
    "And now the queen....."
    Please be Basil Sato...Basil Sato...BASIL SATO!!! I said to my self.
    "Kasai Takahashi!" Principal Hiro said.
    "Now people time for the King and Queen's Dance of the night!" Principal Hiro said.

    It seemed like forever! They just kept on dancing and dancing. I couldn't take it any longer! I left.

    The Diary of Basil

    October 09, 2008
    Time: 11:59 am

    I can't sleep tonight. My pillow's too wet. I can't stop crying. I'm too sad. I didn't get to tell takeshi yet. I feel so sick right now that i don't think i can go to school tommorow. I will probably cry my self to sleep.

    The next day at school.
    "Hey Akina have you seen Basil around?" Takeshi said.
    "No. I think she's sick" Akina said
    "Oh okay I'll go check for her at her house after school. Bye Akina!" Takeshi said.
    "Bye...." Akina said. Hmm Basil you didn't tell him did you.
    2:50pm takeshi arrives at my house.
    "Basil are you home? Hello? Basil?" Takeshi said.Takeshi peered at my house and saw a sign.
    For sale! with a big word in red letters across of it said SOLD.
    "Wh-WHAT!!!" Takeshi said as he dropped to the ground.
    "N-No Basil...." Takeshi said sadly.

    A little bit away from my house in a small green car.
    "I'm sorry Takeshi" I said.

    BAsiL's CHEcK LisT

    1. Feed hikari
    2. Do the laundry
    3. Go to the dance
    4. Tell Takeshi that i'm moving