• (Cassie's point of view)

    Ignoring the fact that all the skelanimals put themselves on their shelves, I opened up the store and turned the radio on. People came in, buying a lot of Team Edward shirts and Team Jacob shirts. That was the new thing now. An odd boy came up to me.

    "I'd like a work with you," he growled.
    "Um.. sure?"
    "Where is my friend, Marissa?" he asked.
    "What? Who?" I asked.
    "You know her! She was at the concert last night."
    "No... I'm sorry," I apologized.
    "Yeah, you know what I'm talking about."
    "I don't," I shrugged.

    I looked around to see if anyone else was looking at us. No, no one was. I thought that was a good thing. A man walked infront of the boy who was standing infront of me, and walked right through him. I covered my mouth and screamed. The man gave me a look.

    "Oh... I screamed because I you picked out that shirt. And you get it for free... YAY!" I cut off the price tag and handed the shirt over. The man left happy.

    "What was that?" I heard.

    I turned around, and there was that guy again.

    "Why did he walk infront of you?"
    "I'll tell you when your friend gets back."