• I was seven years old. Living in New York with my mom and dad. They were ok parents, except for when they sniffed white lines into their noses. They would get mean and hit me, and they wouldn’t sleep for days. It made me nervous to be around them. At times they would leave me on the floor in my small room crying. They didn’t care about me when they were on this stuff. My parents use to be caring and loving, but I guess people change. I never realized that people could change so fast.
    The first time they did it they were throwing a party, I was supposed to be sleeping, but the loud music woke me up. I peeked out the door and saw what was going on, people there were crazed. Screaming and hollering. I’ve never in my life have seen adults act so childish. My parents spotted me and started yelling at me. I ran back into my room, and hid under the covers, but they followed. They screamed at me, hit me, and laughed at my pain; instead of hugging me and telling me everything will be ok.
    The first few weeks they were snorting the white stuff it wasn’t very serious; but they continued. My parents lost everything, their jobs, sold everything in the house. Most of the time we didn’t have any food. I was surprised that we were still able to live in the apartment. When my parents came off of a three day binge, they went straight to Joe.