• Shigure: Hey Yuki... Are you ready for school yet?
    Yuki: No... Hey did you get the letter from the main house yet?
    Shigure: Yes why? You wanna read it?
    Yuki: Yes i want to read it or i wouldn't of even botherd asking!
    Shigure: Well then... If you want to read it get ready.
    Yuki: If you put it that way... I am ready.
    Shigure: Fine... You can read it... Here.
    Yuki takes it from Shigure and rips the letter open.
    Shigure: I haven't even read it yet... Read it out load
    Yuki: No... Read it with me
    Yuki and Shigure looks at the letter and reads what it says.
    It says:
    Dear Shigure and Yuki
    We have very important news for you...One of the members of the zodiac
    has run away... If you could keep an eye out for her that would be a big
    help to us... The one who ran away is under the symbol of the cat...Kiita
    is the one who ran away... What little we have figured out she ran away
    because she doesn't like it here at the main house... She has brought it
    up before that she just wants to run away and never come back... If you
    do find her can you please tell us... And please take care of her since you
    don't live at the main house.

    From: Akito and everyone here at the main house

    Shigure: So... It's the one who's the same age as you right?
    Yuki: Yeah... Kiita and I are 13...She's also the black cat... And with this weather she'll transform for sure!
    Shigure: So wanna start looking?
    Yuki: Yeah... That's the best thing we can do...You know why...
    Shigure: Yes... Kiita's sinsitive to rain... If she's in a rain storm she'll-
    Yuki: Transform... And unless she's completely dry... She'll stay as a cat.
    Shigure: Well lover boy let's start looking!