• as i just gave a person their money back ,in "the bank of america ," the ground started to vibrate. a drill-nosed peice of machinery crumbled out of the bank's floor.the door of the terifying machine opened and the horrifying , death apealing grim reeper flew out of the machine and he blew up the giant safe with one ultra blinding ray coming strait from his scife and another frightening thing came out of the terrifying machine. it was the terminator. and he came to apperently find and capture me. he found me hiding under my desk terrified. he said to every scared person"put your hands in the air or i'll shoot you."one person started heading for the door. but he got shot in the back eleven times. it formed a croos made out of rich dark blood. as i got put into the steiming hot, drill nosed peice of machinery;the grim reeper apered with only ash in his hands. the terminator asked,"what are you doing without any money!"he explained, "when ever i grabbed the money it caught on fire and it turned into ash"and they both closed the door and they drilled their way back to their dirty, smelly, secret head corters. it took us five hours to get there. we walked tourds a weird a metalic, shiny, elevator. it went faster and faster until it came to a jerky stop , we hit our headson the ceiling. the doors opened. there was every cross ever made. we walked in and lights lit up and the room became even bigger. it was like i was in heaven. only there was no jesus or god. the terminator said this is my room ,crying. i asked him 3 times what was wrong and onthe forth he admitted, i don't have jesus crist in me." my brother was killed being a missionary in iraq." said the terminator,"i want to follow in his footstaps. i talked to him for a long time. he excepted christ into his heart,and he returned me to my house and him and i never forgot what happen on that day