• Part One:
    Ring... Ring... Ring... It's a dark and stormy night. Roth, the knowledgable brother hears the noisy phone ringing over and over. Going down stairs and slowly picking up the phone he hears silence for a second, then a terrorizing scream for help. At first he didn't reconize the voice, but then he relizes it's his friend marilyn. All he can hear is screams of blood curdling terror and the fresh rip of flesh. All Roth can do is just stand their with terror and fear in his watering eyes. Hearing her say, "HELP PLEASE IT HURTS!!!" Then nothing. Roth yells with fear, "Hello? Marilyn?" After, all he hears is a deep and horrifing voice say, "If you wish to save your friend come back to folsom." After, Roth drops the phone and pauses for a second, then he runs to his parents room and pushes the door open seeing that there is blood everywhere. After, he runs to his sisters room and knocks on the door then opening it running into her room as the door slams into the wall. He runs to her bed and shacks her yelling, "Wake up!!! Marilyn, mom, dad is going to die!!!" Sai turns as Roth yells her name and askes, "W what happened?" Roth replies, "Deep scary voice... Ripping flesh... Death..." Sai then jumps out of bed and runs scared to her mom and dads room. Then she screams. Roth runs to her and sees that their is blood everywhere and their parents room is smashed as if someone took both of their mother and father. Sai falls to her knees and screams, "What happened!!!???" Roth replies, "I tryed to tell you. Now put on some other clothes, were going to Folsom" Running back to their rooms they both put some decent clothes on and run outside to get into their car. After they are both in the small, cold car Roth starts driving.
    Part Two:
    As they set off to Folsom Roth tries to explain to Sai what he heard and why they're going to their home town. After hours of driving in the cramped car they finally see a sign saying, "Folsom, two miles." Underneath that says, "Demon Town, NO SERVIVORS!!!" People wrote that there to ward off other outsiders that had no idea of what even happened in the town and that treasured thier lives. Looking at the sign sai says with fear, "Are you sure we should be going into this town? We could die." Roth keeps his wery eyes on the road and says, "I know, but we have to save mom and dad." Sai just nods and sits quietly next to her brother worring. After a few minutes they see another sign saying, "Welcome to folsom." But this time there was no warning beside it. After they started to see what became of the dreaded but once beautiful town. Then Roth started to see something far away, but just thought that it was just a piece of debris. Then after driving the same speed he notices that it's a small girl. She just kept on walking twards the car slowly with small drops of blood slowly driping down her soft pain cheeks. Roth tryed to stop but couldnt and hits the girl. He sees her get smashed underneath the car and blood splash onto the glass windsheld. Then as the car stop slowly Roth jumps out of the car and looks under the veicle to see where she is but there was no one or nothing there, not even a drop of blood on the cold black pavment. After looking around the car he sees nothing. When he gets back into the car and shuts the door slowly he doesn't see any blood on the glass. He gets shocked and just presses his large hands on the window thinking that now it was just a daydream or his eyes were just playing with him. He starts driving again deeper into the small abandoned town. After seeing a decent hotel that they could atleast maybe ask someone what happened here he wakes up his sister and gets out of the car slowly still thinkning if that little girl was just a dream or really there. They both walk twards the hotel and Sai opens the door, but as soon as they open the black doors and step into the building they smell a rotting corps. Instead of being one single corps it was hundrades of poeple and demons. As Sai almost throws up she runs out of the hotel scared half to death. After running for a long time, she stops and falls to her knees and starts crying thinking that her mother and father are really dead. Then she remembers that she left her brother back at the hotel and as soon as she looked around and doesn't see him anywhere in sight. Scared she screams his name but she doesnt hear him. Then she falls back down and covers her face again crying. then she hears footsteps and looks up scared and jumps back saying, "Who are you?" Then she just notices that it's just a little girl about her age. Sai doesnt know that it's the little girl that Roth ran over so she walks over to her slowly and says, "Can you please help me find my brother?" The little girl grabs Sai's hand slowly and sloftly then looking the other way and walking her to a large rundown hospital.
    Part Three:
    As they enter the spooky hospital Sai askes, "Why are you bringing me here?" The little girl replies in a soft conforting voice, "You asked me to bring you to your brother didn't you?" Sai just nods and keeps walking with her. Then The small girl stops and looks up at Sai with a unpleasing look. Then with a pause The girl says, "Go into this hospital, you will find all that which you have been looking for. But you must find the white room, there you will find your brother mother and father. If you find the dark room like your parents then you will forever be bound to this hell and be torched slowly to your death. Then the girl just walks away into the darkness. Sai remembers her saying, "like your parents." She looks up wanting to ask her how she knew about her parents, but right when she was going to the girl was gone. Sai just starts walking and tries to find her family. After tons of hallways and looking at confunfusing maps, she finds a room with a percing white light. She tries to run twards it but there was two ugly demons looking into her fear filled eyes. She walks twards them not knowing what could even happen, then both of the vishous demons start running twards her with monsterious looks on their faces. Sai just stands there paralized with fear. Then the white light shines as bright as the heavens and destroys the demons burning them untill they colaps. Strangly Sai did not even get a single burn mark on her skin. She just stands up and runs twards the room. Opening the door as fast as she could she closes her eyes as the light gets brighter. Then she looks into a corner of the conforting white room and sees her brother kneeing. She runs to him and shakes him as she says his name. Then Roth turns his head and body, revealing what he has become. Sai jumps back in fear as she sees him as a demon. Then the girl and six other demons walk over to her. Sai yells, "I thought you said we could get out of this hell!!!???" Then With laughter the small girl says in repliy, "I never said you would get out, I only said you would be able to see your family if you found this room." Then the six demons pounce Sai and her brother ripping there soft young flesh off. After, forever their bodies and souls were bound to the hell.

    ♥The End♥