• Raven awoke from my dazed slumber. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts. Such as: What is love? Who do I love? Why is love so real? Why don't I have someone to love? Or do I? If I don't have someone to love than..? Raven thought about how she would have gotten pregnant if she had no one to love. She put a hand over her just beginning to swell belly, it was getting round at the bottom, and she rubbed it. She loved her unborn child with all her heart already. She always talked to her unborn baby when she was lonely, it was often, and she really wanted to talk to her, though she had no idea what its gender was she always guessed it was a girl. She heard the phone ringing and got up stiffly, "Hello?" she wondered curiously "Raven?" she stared in the vanity mirror looking at her bed head hair "This is. May I ask who is calling?" Her eye's were bright with curiosity as she moved back to the bed "Raven it's Derek. Your husband. I don't know if you still remember me, I came back at Christmas. Well I should be back home tomorrow." Raven couldn't talk the second she heard 'Your husband,' and wiggled excitedly. "Y-you are? That's great. Well I was just about to make breakfast so I'll talk to you tomorrow." she didn't wait for an answer and hung up the phone running downstairs, to clean. And eat. Eat first, then clean. She made herself breakfast of pancakes and sausage, shortly after she had finished she began cleaning the house, it wasn't that dirty but she was beginning to remember her life just by cleaning. She was so excited for Derek to come home! It was unbarable after she had finished cleaning she layed on her couch and watched T.V. until she fell asleep. Dreaming beautiful things, she would have a whole family. Her husband, her, and her coming child. She couldn't wait for the day she had her child and tomorrow, when her husband came home. Even if she could remember nothing about him, or what he looked like.