• "Nina?"I looked up at Sitruk and smiled.
    "Yes?" He lifted my chin with his finger and kissed me softly. "What's wrong?" I suddenly knew he wanted to talk.
    "I don't know how to put this...."
    "Just say it." My eyes began to water.
    "Nina, please, don't cry." I looked down and wiped my eyes.
    "Just say it."
    "I'm leaving you...." I nodded slowly.
    "Is that it?"
    "Why though?" He started to cry.
    "It's for the best."
    "What? Best for me or best for you?" I spoke sourly, to upset to reason.
    "The best for you, Safer." I scoffed.
    "Have you forgotten that I can never be safe?"
    "No, but you'll be safer without me."
    "That's not true.....I'll kill myself without you...." His eyes widened, still filled with tears.
    "Please, Nina, don't do that."
    "Why not? I already feel dead." He shook his head.
    "Nina, I'm sorry I had to do this..."
    "But you don't have to...."
    "I do.....but only for you."
    "Fine....if that's how you feel, then leave! Do it now! Save me the dispair of your disapearance!"
    "I'm sorry.....please don't leave me...." I cracked out the words through my tears. "I love you...." I stepped forward to hug him, but he backed away. I slipped to the ground.
    "I'm so sorry.....I can't......I'm sorry..." He walked away.

    How can he leave me here alone? How can he leave me when I need him more than ever? My questions were left unanswered.....