• My hands were clasped tightly together, sitting on the bank full of soft, warm grass from the sun that was setting, highlighting the sky with blues, purples and pinks. The air was light, but sticky in a way, adding some tension between us, which was strong to begin with.

    Damon turned to me, like he wanted to say something, but didn’t as he turned his head away and kept staring at the pond. He said he wanted to talk to me, but our conversation was lacking the talking, which made me wonder what was going on within him.

    Glancing over my shoulder to the party that was happening at Juliet’s house, I grasped my skirt in my hand, letting the smooth fabric calm me when he did turn around and look at me.

    “Lindsey…” he started as I looked at him, my heart pounding. In what was about six or so years, he had came a long way from the bad boy he acted like he was as he kneeled on the ground in front of me. “You… I… I’ve…” he couldn’t get anything out of his mouth that made sense as I watched him, giving him the time to as he sighed, looking distant. “I want to ask you…” he stopped, looking for the right words to say.

    “Ever since we had that class together, my junior year, your sophomore year, I’ve loved you more than I thought was possible,” he started off, looking me in the eyes, that year flashing in my mind- when I held him down to apply eyeliner, making his green eyes sparkle like they did that morning, to when he asked me if he jumped off of the bridge, into the cold water, if I would too, to the moment, years later, when we shared what felt like true love to each other as a tear escaped my eyes, rolling down my cheek. “Will you marry me?” he asked, my heart soaring as he took my hand. “Lindsey?”