• as i waited for my girl i felt a burst of happiness for she said she had a surprise for me she seemed very happy to say so. but one thought broke my giddyness. what if she wanted to break that dropped my confidence by 10% but i still had the other 90. As i approached the bench in the park she was waiting at my temperature dropped greatly but i still had my happiness when i sat down i asked what the surprise was. i expected to hear her speak but instead she grabbed me and gave me a tight hug. the kind you can't get free from. her head was so close to mine i can hear her breath. thats what it should sound like only there was no breath she was very cold to touch. then she spoke. she said "have no fear" then i felt something lick my neck. it was like a dogs tongue only it was hers then i felt a fierce pain dig into were she had licked and the last thing i remeber was my scream for help and then there was darkness