• "There's no way this drug can fail. We have a sure fire hit on our hands!"
    "Are you sure this will work? Who would want to buy this?"
    "Who wouldn't want to buy this? It makes people happier, they become content with what they have. At peace."
    "But what about the side effects?"
    "'Side effects'? Hah, like what? The only side effect is the body metabolizes fat as if it was exercising. People who take it become healthier. But you're right, who would want to become a happy adonis for the price of a bottle of aspirin?"
    "I meant farther into the future. We only tested this on six generations of rats. If its as successful as you think, the human race will be taking this for centuries to come."
    "Bah! You'd let a little doubt get in the way of progress?"

    Four months later, Androgenol hit the markets. Reaching first developed countries, the drug was so successful, it was mass-produced and brought into third world nations. Soon, the people of the world began to permanently ignore their petty problems. Humanitarian and peace-keeping programs exploded, while organizations such as the UN started to see a change for the better in human interactions. Androgenol became a staple for survival, as commonplace and essential as water. While human suffering went down and health went up, people began to rely on the pill more and more. As the usage of Androgenol reached its fortieth generation of commonplace use, all records of the drugs study and subsequent creation became lost to time. Just as its secondary Side effect was discovered...

    Beep... Beep.. Beep
    "Ugh... There's no way its really time for school is it?"
    Jackie looked at his wall clock. He tried to hit the snooze button. After nursing his throbbing hand, he remembered that it was projected onto his wall. He looked at the time. 6:30
    "Damn, first day of sophmore year. Here I come." Jackie sighed and swung his way out of bed.
    He moved his left hand away from legs, where it had been resting as he slept. Looking down at his hand he saw it was covered in dried blood.
    Ohhh, don't tell me I had a nose bleed in the middle of the night?" He swore at his sensitive nostrils. Dreading how they might betray him on the first day of school.
    Jackie mentally went over what he had to do to prepare. First he felt his chin. But then relaxed. He wouldn't need to shave, he couldn't feel a single hair on his face. If anything, his face felt smoother than it had the night before.
    Jackie walked to the bathroom, not even bothering to change into clothes. His house had such terrible heating and cooling that, he rarely wore anything more to bed than just boxers.
    He walked straight into his bathroom, and reached for his tooth brush, then, stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw.
    Looking back at Jackie in the mirror, was something he had never thought he would be lucky enough to see. The body of a naked teenage girl.
    Slowly, Jackie raised a hand to his neck. The girl did the same. Looking down at himself, he reached out a hand and squeezed his right breast. Instead of slapping him, the girl did the same. HE did the same.
    Looking further down, he also saw what had been bleeding. It wasn't his nose.
    Moving in a dreamlike state, Jackie walked back to her room, closed the door behind her, locked it and sat down on her bed. Then she began to scream.