• I was in the meadow. Oh was it beautiful as ever. There was the pretties’ musk mallow. They have this light purple on them and have like five petals, also they had those common buttercup but they were my favorite. They are small like me and yellow color petals, and let’s not forget that old tree stomp in the middle of this scenery.
    I run throw the meadow feeling like one of those preps that won the crown of one of our dances. I felt so good inside then I saw someone walking up to me. He was smiling so softly like Memysy. Then I realize it was him.
    Memysy stick out his hand out for me to grab onto him. I lightly touch his hand and it makes me go nuttier than Myoga drinking blood from Inuyasha gang.
    He lightly pulls me into his so soft chest. Oh lord this got to be a dream!
    “Nena.” He made it sound like my name was poetry or it was a word that can make things good again. I thought I stop breathing from his voice. I could hear that purring. He was purring. I start to chuckle.
    “What’s funny?” still purring even though I was chuckling like goon.
    “You’re purring. It’s so cute.” I could see that Memysy was kina embarrass but still purring like crazy. What I didn’t expect was he lightly pulls my chain up to make me look up onto his mysterious eyes.
    “May I?” I was sure what he wanted to do. My heart start to races as I close my eyes. Memysy bend down to let me have it good. Closer and closer he get the more I go crazy. Then all of a sudden…

    I hear my alarm cluck beeped crazy like wildfire. So it was a dream but it felt so real. I slowly open my eyes then my eyes widen of what I saw. Memysy was on top of me but not where I would stop breathing and his hand on top of mine. Oh lord! I could definitely feel my face getting redder than ever in my whole life that I was alive.
    Memysy moves his head against my shoulders like a cat feeling comfortable next to something or someone. Oh-Kay this is not what I expected to have to wake up to in the morning.
    He woke up purring lightly then he look over me and then smiled
    “Well good morning Nena.” Memysy did something that really got my heart racing ten times more. I felt his soft tongue licking lightly on my shoulder.
    “Whoa! Okay,” I jump out of bed like lighting, “while you’re here try not to get to excited.” He keeps his eyes on me still purring like crazy. Memysy lightly tilt his head.
    “Why not? I couldn’t help myself.” He gets up still wearing his hot boxer. Holly molly! Memysy walk over to me and lightly and gently stroke my hair. “Your beauty is so tasteful looking that I had to taste your skin.”
    I couldn’t believe my own two ears. Memysy, the guy I just meet yesterday is saying these things about me. Okay he must be sick or something. As we just stand there looking at each other I almost forgot I have to school. Well mainly hell.
    “Memysy move, I have to get change for school.” I quickly move towards my dresser but then look back at him. “You might want change well I must add and also turn around well I change.” He turns around and changes while I change as well. This feels so god dang weird.
    I change into my black hello kitty panties then I put on my kina workout gray pants and I put my ripe up skirt over it next I put on my black bra over it I put on my Avirl Lavigne shirt on. The shirt had a vest that was black and pink and it had a broken heart on the right side and the shirt that is under it was white but it still cool.
    After fixing my hair how I wanted to be without ripping my hair out or pulling at it I turn to Memysy. He was wearing the same clothes that he wore yesterday. Oh Danm, I wish I washed his clothes last night.
    “Sorry, I wish I would of wash your clothes last night. I could wash them right now if you like.” He looks at me and shakes his head no.
    “Nope I’m good but thanks.” Okay that is odd. That makes you think what’s in that dudes head. But I didn’t ask why not just thought it was a normal boy thing. Hey, he might be an alien or something he’s still a boy in the inside right? I grab my bag that I made with my friend Janet and headed downstairs.
    I could hear my dad snoring in their room so that must mean they got home late again. I went into the kitchen to get something to eat before I started walking to my hellhole school. I made some toast in the toaster and got some ham and cheese out of the fridge. The toast was done so I made my sandwich and I was about to turn to the door when Memysy scared the hell out of me when he came out of nowhere.
    “Dang it Memysy, don’t scare me like that!” he just stood there looking at me with dullness in his expression. I sigh deeply running my fingers through my think hair of mine. “Okay Memysy I’m going to school so stay here and don’t go wondering off.” He looks me in the eyes and nod.
    I walk out the door and I saw my friends waiting for me by the white fence.
    “Hey Nena, you finally get your butt out here.” I know whom cocky mouth that is. Robert Freeman. He’s like the coolest person I ever meet. He’s so different from the rest at Carencro High School people.
    “Okay guys let go before we are late than ever.” Poor worry Janet Taylor.
    “Janet is right…for once.”
    “Lets go before we get another boring advice from Mr. Permen.”
    “Yeah, he could put anyone to sleep.” Robert makes these snoring noises that made us laugh. We start to running to school before we have to go through Mr. Prisoner.
    We made it just in time for first period.
    First period was a drag shoot why does Mrs. Redbird have to give us an assignment that we have to partner up with. No one in this English class wants to partner up with me scratch that they wouldn’t come a thousand yard towards me.
    “Alright students pick your partner or I’ll pick for you.” Mrs. Redbird approaches us. Ah man!
    “I pick you!”
    “I pick you.” Everyone in the room was calling out.
    I just stay in my seat wanting to go my next class. Everyone got a partner but me and someone else but I was so dull that I didn’t have the nerve to turn my head to see.
    “Well miss. Guidry, I see you don’t have a partner so I’ll partner you up with…” Mrs. Redbird overlook at people with her eagle eyes then her eyes hit the mark. I think it’ll haunt me. “Miss. Guidry you are with Mr. Linkin.” Oh god no! Please tell me it’s not Todd Linkin! I turn quickly to see the football star Todd Linkin in his seat looking at me with that crack smile.
    Danm! I’m with the biggest jerk well the king of jerks. This is worst and I mean the worst!