• Prologue

    “No one commands me. No man. No god. No elder. No prince. What is the claim of age for one who is immortal? What is a claim of power for one who defies death? Call your damnable hunt. We shall see whom I drag screaming into hell with me.”
    -Gunter Dorn, Das
    Ungeheuer Darin

    It was cold that night. The rain had just then ceased to fall, leaving the cobblestone streets strewn with puddles. There was a heightened sense of anticipation lingering in the air that sent even the tiniest of shadows cowering back into the corners and cracks they emerged from. Every window in town had been shut and locked tight. Nothing could be heard except for the shouts and shrill cries of Silence herself…
    In the distance, though, Silence had been choked out by the sounds of pursuit. Century after century they have waited, and now He is upon them.
    Exorcists, they were called. Their uniforms, as black as the night, let them blend in with the shadows that lingered endlessly around them. Their eyes, seemingly dead to the world, pierced through the very souls of men and devoured them. But no matter how distant and fearless they might have seemed, their very souls trembled in the presence of Him.
    His cackling laughter soon rung out and gripped them like a chilling wind. Swallowing their fear, now, they continued the hunt…

    He kept running, knowing now that they were drawing closer to him with every second that passed. Centuries ago, he would have never been pursued by the likes of them. Centuries ago, though, he wouldn’t have let them…A cold smile emerged upon his face. His pale white skin, illuminating the darkness around him was envied by even death himself. His golden eyes shown like stars in the midst of night.
    He stopped. Trembling now, he dropped to his knees. His breath had then started to slow, even if his heartbeat got faster with every moment that passed. It seemed as though something had invaded his body and now had complete control over him. The pounding of footsteps rand loud like cathedral bells in his ears. The velvet sky seemed to have been laughing at him now that the sun had started to emerge from the depths of night. He looked toward the sky; his eyes now filled with horror…

    They were now upon Him. For generations, the exorcists had restlessly waited for this day. The day that would begin a new era for all. Now, as they turned to face Him at long last, He wasn’t there…it seemed as though He had vanished along with the night…

    This was only the beginning of what was to become the greatest plague upon the world of man. The earth ripped open, now unleashing Hell upon the living. The exorcists had fought valiantly, but were soon slaughtered, along with a countless number of innocents…
    Soon, they started to abandon all hope of finding Him…After six decades of massacre and destruction, the devil and his minions soon retreated back into the ground.
    Centuries later, His name would be lost to the scourge of time…He, who had struck fear into the eyes of man and demon alike, had disappeared forever…Sixx…the son of Satan…