• A Ball Night
    A Night to Remember

    It’s the night of the ball, people are pouring into the gold and silver room. Lined with black and purple tables with vases of moon flowers in full bloom. Above the dancing guests hangs twinkling stars and a giant moon. In the middle of the room a fiery head young man with reddish gold eyes dress in black pants and a golden dress shirt twirls his date around in the circle the crowd had given them. This was a night to remember for the young man and girl for he leaned down and kiss her in love and care with his eyes close. She closes her eyes and kisses him back in the same way. Both shall remember this night. The two trade places with another couple.
    The boy of the new couple spins his date around. The boy’s midnight black hair almost floating and moving in tune with the beat of the song. His blue eyes glowing happily as he swings his date around gracefully. Dress in a black suit made only of black pants and a black silk shirt with a white flower in the pocket, with his pale skin he is the envy of every man but the fiery headed one. The boy’s date was as pale and beautiful as him, dress in a white gown, twirling and spinning into his awaiting arms. Her snow white hair a contrast to his midnight hair and suit. She seemed to be a frozen beauty. Her green eyes like a spring forest come alive. They span in circles till they came to the middle of the room under the moon. The boy leans down slowly and kisses her as well. The kiss was not a peck of friendship or a kiss of false love. This kiss was the leg lifting kiss of true love come to age. They pull apart and the boy hands the woman a white flower in full bloom, a moon flower. They dance off the floor and let others try to top them. The night was a happy one unaffected by the world outside as the guests enjoy themselves and the night. This was a real night to remember by everyone there.
    A golden hair man climbs up on stage and took the mike. Everyone turns to look at him as he taps the mike before speaking.
    “I am Gold and I would like to thank you all for coming tonight to my ball. As you all know the theme of this ball is ‘A Night to Remember’. I have a feeling all of you shall remember this night. I would like to thank Ashley and Firestorm for helping set up for to night and to thank Kain-9 and Tina for sending out the invites and helping Firestorm and Ashley, To you,” he raise his glass to the fiery headed man and his date and the midnight haired boy and his date.
    After the toast everyone starts to dance as Gold climbs down from the stage and walks over to Kain-9, Tina, Firestorm, and Ashley. The big wooden doors open loudly and two men step inside. Everyone stops to stare at the two as they look around. When they see the group of Gold’s they step forward.
    “Brother, you didn’t invite me to your ball why? I am your only twin brother by the way don’t you care about me?” the one with silver hair sneers. His eyes are cold silver and his skin pale like the midnight haired boy. He was wearing a white button up shirt with black dress pants. A blood red rose in his breast pocket. The other man stands there with a smug smile on his face. He was dress much the same as the first man but his shirt was icy blue instead of white and he had no flower, instead he had a white fur vest on. It wasn’t a big puffy one but a slick soft looking one.
    “Silver, what do you want and why are you here?” Gold steps toward his brother.
    The fiery headed man named Firestorm moves his date, Ashley, behind him and the midnight haired boy does the same growling lowly at the two men.
    “What’s that you got there, Firestorm?” the furry vest one asks with a smile.
    “It’s none of your business, Snowstorm” Firestorm tells him, his lip lifted a little to show his teeth.
    The midnight haired boy’s date grabs the boy, wrapping her arms around his neck.
    The boy yelps out in surprise when she does so. “Tina, what are you doing?” he asks her. His blue eyes no longer glowing with happiness but fear instead.
    Tina drags the boy over to Silver. “Now give it back Silver. You said to give you Kain-9. Well here he is, now give me back my necklace,” Tina cries out as she pushes the boy on knees in front of Silver.
    “You mean this?” Silver asks her as he pulls out a silver and gold necklace with little diamonds molded into the chain. A small diamond hangs in the middle like a small moon with a black and white wolf in the middle of it howling up to the unknown.
    Tina drops to her knees and crawls toward him. “Yes, please give it back, I beg of you, please give it back.” Tears stream down her face as she begs to him at his feet while on her knees. He feels such power over her with just this necklace that he may never give it back. The tears weren’t just for the necklace but for the betrayal she had given Kain-9 like that.
    “Leave her alone!” Kain-9 shouts, his voice never hear tonight till now sounds out with wild beauty and authority. He climbs up to his feet and glares at Silver, “Give her back her necklace,” he growls angrily at Silver.
    Silver smiles, “what are you going to do about this? You’re just a boy and you can’t really think you can tell me what you do?” Silver moves to stand over Kain-9. He raises his hand and slaps him. “A boy telling a man what to do,” Silver laughs and Kain-9 lies on the ground holding his cheek.
    Tina lies on the ground sobbing. “Please Silver can I have it back,” she begs to him.
    Gold tackles his brother, “you were not invited because I knew you would do something like this if you showed up.” Gold jumps back and Silver lies on the ground.
    He laughs, “My brother how weak you are to try and save this humans and this boy! He’s a devil, a demon! Just look at him, he’s the cause of Rose’s death, my one true love,” Silver cries out before punching Gold in the gut and running toward Kain-9.
    Kain-9 was just getting up when Silver tackle him to the ground. Silver whips out a knife and holds it to Kain-9’s throat, “you b*****d, you are the reason Rose is dead. It’s because she had to protect you! She’s dead because of you and now, I shall kill you for taking my Rose away!” Silver yells and moves his knife so he can stab into Kain-9’s heart.
    Kain-9 sees the move and grabs Silver’s arm and twists so that he can take the knife. Kain-9 throws the knife across the room and flips Silver over. Kain-9 lifts Silver off the floor and steps back and round kicks Silver into one of the tables the vase flies before breaking on the ground in front of Firestorm and Snowstorm who were circling each.
    Heat waves were coming off Firestorm as he stands there. The water from the vase splash out toward him but then disappears in the heat.
    The water coming toward Snowstorm freezes. “Ready to fight already? Wow you really are hot headed at times but I guess it can’t be help with you control fire” Snowstorm smiles. He waves his hand and ice forms around it taking the shape of a sword. “Then lets fight, cousin,” Snowstorm rushes toward Firestorm.
    Firestorm smiles as a fiery sword take shape in his hand. “I’m the hot headed one? But I’m not even rushing to attack as you are,” Firestorm slashes out with his sword and pares with Snowstorm.
    Kain-9 reaches into Silver’s pocket and pulls out the necklace. “Stealing from a woman doesn’t make you a man you know, and you call me a boy? I think I’m more of a man then you are,” Kain-9 comments before he tosses the necklace to Tina.
    She reaches out and catches it before it hits the ground. Tears still streaming down her face she smiles. “Thank you Kain-9, thank you” she cries out and clutches the necklace to her chest.
    “Kain-9, I’ll take it from here,” Gold stands next to Kain-9 and Silver. Kain-9 nods and moves off Silver. Gold reaches down and grabs Silver, “you are a disgrace and that is why I didn’t invite you or your son who is now fighting with mine. You have no right in my house or to be at my ball. I demand that you leave at once and take your son with you,” Gold shakes his head at his brother.
    “Gold, you let your guard down to easily,” Silver stabs his knife into Gold’s gut and twist. “Is this any way to show respect for Kiki? For our sister who died at human hands because they fear us! And now you dance with them, the humans! WHAT ABOUT KIKI!” Silver screams out at Gold as his knife changes and becomes many knives stabbing into Gold. “Have you forgotten about our sister, Gold?” Silver asks as he twists the knives.
    Gold falls to his knees and coughs up blood, “so now you kill you only brother? You are the one not thinking about Kiki, she would never want us to kill each other. She would never want us to hate humans. You didn’t stay long enough to see the human boy crying over her body when he found her in that spike pit. He cared for her and that’s why she was nice to humans. You only saw the boy’s father as he smile at her death but the boy loved her so much, he would have been Moon Gifted but he die for love wolves too soon.” Gold moves his hand over his golden belt buckle and it turns into a knife and he uses to cut Silver’s knives. Gold pulls out the silver pieces and drops them on the floor. “You really care for Kiki? Then you wouldn’t be trying to kill me, Kiki loved both of us would never want this. She would want us to live on and be happy.”
    Firestorm and Snowstorm jump apart. Snow swirls around Snowstorm while fire swirls around Firestorm. “Opposites’ can’t beat each other, and Snowstorm we are opposites so we shall never beat each other,” Firestorm points out and the fire goes out around them. “Just leave in peace, please,” Firestorm asks nicely.
    Gold stands up and holds out his knife which changes to rope and wraps it’s self around Silver. With a flick of his wrist Gold send Silver flying out the door.
    Firestorm lets Snowstorm charge at him before unleashing his fire again. The fire pushes Snowstorm out the door just as his father.
    “While I guess they just made this a night to remember but not in a good way,” Gold smiles and Kain-9 walks over to him.
    “You know your bleeding on the dance floor. Let’s get you . . . Dang I can’t up with come up with something good to say. Well let’s get you healed,” Kain-9 smiles to Gold and Firestorm walks over with Ashley right behind him.
    “Yeah Dad, Kain-9’s right,” Firestorm pats Gold on the shoulder.
    “Come on Gold. We’ll be right back,” Kain-9 grabs Gold’s arm and pulls Gold with him toward the hallway that lead to the bathroom. Kain-9 holds out a vile of water. “Here drink this and it should heal you, I’ll go get you some unholy clothes,” Kain-9 leaves Gold in the bathroom and grabs Gold some new clothes.
    Gold looks at the little bottle Kain-9 had given him. “Well, Kain-9 can heal faster so he most know a way to heal me faster with just this, here goes nothing,” Gold downs the whole bottle and his wounds start healing and then disappear without anything left of them. “Wow, who would have guess Kain-9 would have something like this on him at a dance,” Gold jokes to himself when Kain-9 walks in.
    “Here’s your clothes, I’m going to go check on Tina if you don’t mind,” Kain-9 tosses the clothes to Gold and turns to leave.
    “Wait Kain-9, what was that you gave me?” Gold asks unable to keep his mouth shut.
    “Oh, that. . . You sure you want to know?” Kain-9 looks at Gold a little puzzled
    “Well yes I do want to know,” Gold stammers holding his new clothes.
    “Ok then . . . It was drool,” Kain-9 smiles as Gold gags, “My drool to tell you the true, it’s cause of the healing ability in it that it healed you so quickly and you don’t need to act like you swallow drool every day.” Kain-9 looks at Gold who was still gagging.
    “Yea well it’s my drool I swallow not someone else,” Gold shouts back.
    “Whatever, just get dress and hurry up. See ya” Kain-9 walks out into the ballroom and walks over to Tina.
    Tina was staying over in the corner holding her necklace close when Kain-9 walked up to her. She wraps her arms are his neck taking him by surprise as she kissed him. She steps back and he looks at her in surprise shock.
    “What was that for?” is the first thing out of his mouth.
    “It was for getting my necklace back, I’m so sorry I did that to you,” she hangs around his neck with no more strength to hold herself up and cries into his shoulder.
    Kain-9 holds her there for a while rubbing her back before he moves her to a table to sit. “Tina, it’s ok now. It’s ok,” he tells her before he leans in and kisses her like he did on the dance floor. He moves his lips from hers and travels down her neck murmuring, “its ok now, Tina. It’s all over.”
    Everyone else is in shock of what had happen. Part of the room had caught on fire during Firestorm and Snowstorm’s fight and was badly burn. There was blood in front of the stage where Gold had been stabbed. Whispers run around the room when Gold comes out and takes the stage.
    “Sorry about, family feuds don’t usually look like for most people. It was a family matter. Well the night has one last dance left in it so shall we dance?” Gold asks the crowd with a smile. With his charm the crowd cheered and start to dance once the DJ came out and started playing again.
    Soon most everyone had forgotten about the fight and were dancing the night away. Firestorm, Ashley, Tina, Kain-9, and Gold were talking.
    “Firestorm, this isn’t like your bed, it’s going to cost more to fix this,” Gold laughs and everyone else joins in.
    “Yea but we have more than enough to fix ten times over and still have money for more things,” Firestorm laughs and Ashley leans up to kiss him on the cheek.
    “Oh Firestorm, let’s dance one more time, please,” Ashley smiles up at him as he smiles down to her.
    “Anything for you,” he kisses her on the lips before moving out on to the dance floor with her.
    “We can’t let them top us like that, now can we Tina,” Kain-9 jokes holding her hand. Tina and Gold laugh with Kain-9 before he swipes Tina out on to the dance floor.
    Soon good-byes are given as everyone leaves but for the last two couples. Firestorm and Ashley and Kain-9 and Tina dancing are in the quiet room to their own music with Gold sitting at one of the tables messing with a moon flower.
    “Poor me I forgot to get a date,” Gold jokes to himself when someone taps his shoulder. He turns to find a woman there. “So you came after all Twilight, well you messed my brother and his son. Would you like to dance?” he asks her holding out his hand the flower still in it.
    “Yes, I would,” Twilight takes the flower and ties it in her hair before taking his hand and letting him lead her out to the dance floor. “I didn’t mess a thing, you know that,” she tells him as he twirls her around on the dance floor.
    “Yes I know,” Gold whisper to her as he spins her around, before he kisses her. This kiss was a kiss of friendship growing to love.