"Aw now isn't that sweet," I had said to Ian as we watched Ann, and Slade hug. "Yeah I guess never seen him hug anyone before though," Ian said looking interested that's when we heard Slade say we were back. "Hey guys how's it going we," I had said walking in casually with Ian behind me. "Just fine," Ann said looking at me with that death glare of hers. ' Oh greet she must know we saw them hug,'I thought while looking back at her with a happy go lucky smile of mine. "Wow looks like you did take it out on the wall this time Slade," Ian said while investigating the wall to see how to fix it. "So what have you guys been doing?" Ann asked. "Oh you know just going here, there, and some sight seeing while flying." I said back while gesturing with my hands.
"While flying?" I asked incredulously. Ian grinned sheepishly as Alainna blushed. "He kind of took me up flying. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, even though I thought I was going to fall once." "Oh that's cheerful." I muttered. Alainna nodded as Ian touched the wall. "Way to go, Slade. this will only take a week to fix." "Do you do it yourselves?" I asked. Slade nodded, keeping his gaze away from me. Guessing he was embaressed I looked towards Alainna and gestured for her to follow me into another room, where I glared at her. "You were watching me." Alainna grinnned. "That was so cute!" I went to punch her and she got ready to block. "I can beat you!" she exclaimed. "Come on, I just got a busted wall, I don't need blood on the floors," Ian joked, walking to the other side of the room. i rolled my eyes.
"RIGHT!" I had said popping my head out from the other room grinning like the idiot I can be. " And nobody wants to see a cat fight anyways. Right guys?" I had questioned them. They just looked back and forth to each other thinking the same thing. 'Now that's be an interesting to see.' We watched them for about ten minutes while they day dreamed about seeing a cat fight till Ann crept up behind them to scare them out of their day dream. "BOO!" She said scaring them out of their wits. "What the heck was that for?" Ian asked after getting his heart rate back to normal. "Oh I don't know probably just trying to get you two to stop day dreaming about us in a fight." I said acting like I didn't have nothing to do with it. While eating one of those muffinthingys that was left on the table.
Alainna and I moved over to sit in a couch across from Ian and Slade, where I shifted into criss cross applesauce and looked over at Slade. "So, you never explained what a daemon hunter was." Slade looked at me for the first time since Alainna and Ian had bursted in. Ian started playing with his hair and Alainna looked as curious as I felt. "What are they, really?" She asked. Slade sighed and crossed his arms. "They are...hunters, obviously. They track down others like Ian and myself. Quite a hassle, really, especially considering that they have extremely heightened senses, including a sixth." "Oh, Ian said something about that!" Alainna exclaimed. "He said that they could see through the illusions you have around the house here." I looked over at her. "What illusions?" "The trees, the ones that are tall enough to cover the roof, they're illusions set to dispel humans from noticing us." Slade explained. "Well, that failed miserably." I grumbled. "hey, we didn't have to help you," Ian objected. I nodded. "I know." Alainna looked around as the room grew quiet. "So what do we do now?"
"Uhm play hide and go seek?" I had suggested. Everybody just turned their heads, and looked at me like 'Why'd you even say that' look on their faces. "What?!" I exclaimed. "I thought it'd be fun, instead of just sitting here doing nothing and being all grumpy pants," I had said that with this sourpuss look on my face throughout the whole sentence. "Well let's see here what have we done so far," Ann stated while listing everything we had done," we've all been outside, gotten soaked by rain, Alainna and Ian have gone flying while, me and Slade have been in here talking and broken a wall." She had said while counting on her fingers. "Yep I guess there is nothing to really do then." Ian pointed out. "Do you guys have a tv?" Ann suggested. "Uhm yeah, but we don't really use it," Slade said.
"TV!!!!!!" I jumped out of the chair and grabbed Alainna's arm and hauled her into random rooms, where the tv was sitting in a corner of a small dining room. Slade and Ian followed us, both looking a little freaked out. "She gets hyper." Alainna explained. "I see." Slade watched me with a furrowed brow as I sat down in a chair with a remote and started clicking buttons. "Where the heck did you find that remote?!" Ian exclaimed. "I haven't been able to find it in months!!" "It was right on the table," I said. Alainna laughed at Ian's expression and then grabbed the remote. "Is House on?" "I don't know. Golden Girls is!" "I'm not watching an old lady show, Ann!" "Oh, yeah, watch a show that promotes drugs then, Alainna!" "He's a doctor he has to use drugs!!" "Some excuse!!" Finally Slade reached down and grabbed up the remote, turning off the television. "Maybe we should find something else to do." he said. Alainna and I gave him pouty looks. "Like what?" Alainna asked. Ian shrugged. "I'm not sure." Just then, the sound of a shattering window came in from the living room.
Slade and I were the first ones to see what was going on. As me and him were about to turn the corner to the room he grabbed me, and put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't say anything. "mmmhhhuuuurrrpphhhhmmm?" I tried saying something to him to get his hand off my mouth, but he wouldn't let go. "Don't say anything," he said warningly, "it's one of those hunters we were telling you about earlier." My eyes widened as I stared up at him in amazement. He started to walk back to the room we had been in before hearing the shattering glass from before. When we got there Slade looked at Ian in a horrified way like something had gone terribly wrong.
Ian spread out his wings. Slade let go of Alainna and she hurried over to me, where I was huddling anxiously right behind Ian. "What's going on?" I whispered. Ian held up ahand for silence. "Daemon hunter." He whispered. Slade turned and looked at me, face stoic. "Ann, get Alainna out of here. Go out the back. We'll take care of things here." I glanced at alainna. "Be careful," I murmured, taking Alainna's arm. Alainna and I started moving towards the back. "Don't die," she called over her shoulder.
"Do you even know where we're going?!" I asked while I kept looking back to see if anything busted out of the house while I could still see it. "Why would that be a problem?" Ann asked while frantically dragging me to get away from the house. "I don't know! I can't believe we didn't know a daemon hunter found them. The guy probably followed me and Ian while flying back," I had said sounding like it was all my fault. "It probably wasn't your fault," Ann said trying to make me feel happier, " Remember the daemon hunters have a sixth sense they probably just came upon the house, and found Slade and Ian just living there." You said while giving me a reassuring smile.
"I don't know, maybe he had no idea they were here until-" "Alainna, they would have found them sooner or later," i assured you, eventually finding a back door and grabbing the knob. Just as I twisted and pulled I heard someone yell from the other room. I couldn't make it out as the door swung open. A man stood in the frame, wearing a dark black overcoat with a black hat covering his eyes, and a gleaming silver sword in his left hand. In arush of motion he sheathed the sword and grabbed Alainna and I by our necks, smashing us against the walls. "Are you one of them now?" the man spat, blue eyes cold. "Are you a vampire?" There was a blur of color and suddenly the pressure around my neck gave away, and we fell to the floor, choking and gasping for breath. I looked up. Slade was crouching, fangs bared, the man now in a crumpled heap on the other side of the room. "I'm a demon." he growled. Two black wings flashed in front of me as Ian scooped up Alainna bridal style and whirled around, dashing out of the room. The Daemon hunter straightened, rubbing his jaw. "Hello, Slade. Your kick is as good as it was a hundred years ago." he yawned. "You know that Dimitri will get Ian, he's outside as well." the hunter suddenly looked at me. "Another girlfriend, eh? Hope she doesn't turn out like Seanna." Slade let out a growl and made to lunge for the hunter, but I jumped up and grabbed his elbows, tugging him back. "Don't!" "Ann, let go of me!" "I won't!" I yelled. "Let it go!" Suddenly there was a sharp sting of pain. Crying out, I looked at my arm, where a thin red line was. A silver sword gleamed in the Hunter's hand. Slade let out a vicious roar and, arm upraised, suddenly lost his determination and whirled around. Scooping me up like Ian had grabbed Alainna, we fled the house.
The trees had been rushing by both of us, as we had left the house in search of some place to hide from the daemon hunters. I was watching Ann being carried by Slade while he was running. In the air while Ian was flying with me watching for anymore of the daemon hunters if they were following us. "Ian what happened back there?" I had asked when Ann popped in with a "Yeah what she said," yelling back up towards us. "Well it seems like our shield for the house didn't work quite effectively enough to keep hem away,"Ian had answered me back while keeping his eyes on where he was going,"Slade we need to find a place to hide from them till we can find a better hideout like the mansion." Ian said to him. "Yes I know, but it's kinda hard when we have these two humans with us." Slade yelled up to Ian sounding more than thrilled in a sarcastic way.
"Human?" I exclaimed. "What do you mean, 'human', sounding all sarcastic like that? You know your life would be no fun without me!!" Ian laughed and I could tell Slade was rolling his eyes. We continued to run for a moment until Ian suddenly descended, and Slade stopped. "This should be good," he remarked. "We're kinda deep in the woods, it'll take them a buttload of time to reach us." Slade nodded in agreement. Alainna walked over to me. "Hey, you're bleeding." I looked at my arm, which was indeed bleeding.Absently I pressed a hand against it, and then saw asmudge of crimson on Alainna's forehead. "You're bleeding, too." "What? No I'm not." she reached up and touched her head, seeing blood. "Oh. It must have been when he smashed us against the wall." Ian looked over. "Wait, you're bleeding?" Alainna went over to talk with him for a moment as Slade approached me. "I could have killed him." He glowered at me. I shrugged. "I didn't feel like hiding a body." He shook his head, and then saw my hand. "You're bleeding." "Oh my gosh, this fact has been pointed out like ten times!" I exclaimed. "I. Will. Not. Die. From. The. Teensy. Weensy. Cut." I looked up at Slade. A grin suddenly spread across his face, nearly flooring me. I had never imagined he had the will to smile. "Oh my god, you smiled!!" He fell back into a stoic expression. "Did not." "Yes you did you LIAR!!" face flushing he turned around. "He blushed too! Holy crap!! Demon blusher!! " "Shut up!"
While me and Ian were talking and him fixing my forehead I had suddenly heard something very interesting, and stood up to walk over to Ann. "Ann did he really blush, and smile at the same time?" I questioned her with my big goofy grin. "Yeah he really did," she said all happy like," he's getting better at showing his feelings," both of us had started squealing like little fangirls about this. Ian and Slade just stared at us the went back to what they were originally doing. We had come back over after our little fit. "So where are you guys planning on hiding at?" Ann and I questioned at the same time. We glared back at each other. "Jinx! No Double Jinx!" We had began another little fit when suddenly out of the bluest sky Slade went "Enough already!!"
I whirled around and pointed at him. "You know what? You know what? You're absolutely no fun at all!" He blinked. "I'm a demon." "That's no excuse! I know tons of fun demons!" I paused, and then pointed at Ian. "He's not a demon, but he's fun!" Ian grinned. "Yep!" Alainna looked at him. "Do you have candy?" "What?" "I need candy." "I think I have some. Gummy worms." 'yes! Gummy worms!!' As she went off to mooch some gummy worms off of Ian I crossed my arms and looked at Slade. He rolled his eyes. "Hard to believe you were worried about me killing you the other day." "I like to surprise people!" I beamed. I felt in my pocket then, and to my surprise, pulled out a chocolate candy bar. "Whoa! Where did this come from?" Suddenly I realized that Slade was staring at thecandy bar withwide, hungry eyes.his face flushed. "Could I...maybe...um...just a tiny piece..." I laughed and gave him half. "You blushed again!!" Heate the chocolate with a glare. "Did not."
"Yay! I got my gummies!" I said while munching on the gummy worms that I had fought over from Ian to get. "Alainna why did you need my candy?" I questioned me. I just looked at him for a moment like 'Why would you ask me such a thing'. So a few minutes later I told him "Idk I just love munching on candies," I mentioned while having this gigantic grin on my face. "Would you like, get cavities?" He said while looking at me like I was some idiot. "No I don't get cavities," I said still smiling. "Why not?" He asked me looking incredulously. "I brush my teeth, and keep my teeth clean what do you think," I said back. "Oh well that was stupid of me," Ian said while scratching the back of his head with a sweat drop. "So shouldn't we be getting back to Ann and Slade?" I asked curiously. "Hmmm....... Maybe I don't want them to come to find a daemon hunter to jump them. So yeah we should," He said back smiling. "Okay Dokey Captian," I said while saluting him.
Just then, a twig snapped in the underbrush. Slade and I whirled around to see a man with the black outfit similar to the other man's, and he pulled off his black hat to reveal long silver hair, a lot darker then Slade's, tied back into a ponytail behind him. He bowed to us. "Daemon Hunter, Dimitri Long, at your service." Slade's eyes narrowed, and his arm shot up to shove me behind him. "If you even try to harm her..." "Oh, don't worry about that, friend. I wouldn't dare harm the human." His eyes flickered over to me. "Hey!" Slade and I turned as Ian and Alainna rushed up. Suddenly Slade yelled in pain and stumbled back, clutching his side, where crimson was staining his shirt. Dimitri grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him. "Slade!" Ian ran over to where his friend was on the ground and started to help him up. "Let go of her!" Alainna suddenly dashed over and punched the man in the gut. He let out a grunt and his grip loosened for a split second, before he wrapped his arm around Alainna's throat to tug her back. "They come with me." And with us as captives, Dimitri turned and dashed into the woods.
"Let go of us!" Ann yelled at Demitri the man that had taken us captive. "Oh so you just think that will happen so easily now do you?" He said with this evil grin growing across his face, "No I'm not gonna let you go, your humans, and so you must not make contact with anything that's not suppose to be really real," Demitri said while letting his low evil laugh emit through the forest. "Yeah, Ian andSlade will come for us, and kick your sorry littledaemonsbutts," Igasped because of the tight grip around my throat. "Alainna's right they'll beat all of you. Even though they're the only mythical creature we know of-,"Ann said when I popped in. "Exception toEdward Cullen, andJacob Black," I said then Ann continued. "We know ofthey are very strong stronger than what you imagine." Shesaid soundingvery determined. "Oh like I care," Demitri said rolling his eyes, and yawning.
"Oh, you'd better care!" Alainna said. suddenly she kicked back hard and her foot made contact with a very uncomfortable place on dimitri. he let out a groan and let go of our necks, dropping us to the ground. alainna dropped down and I scrambled to a stand, grabbing her arm and pulling her up, before we whirled around and dashed away. "Nice," i panted. She grinned. Suddenly there was a blur in the underbrush and ian dashed out, wrapped one arm around alainna, and took to the air. Slade dashed out of the bushes a moment later, crimson soaking his side. "Oh my gosh, Slade!" "It's nothing." he turned his back to me and crouched. "get on." For lack of any common sense I hopped on to his back piggy back style and wrapped my arms around his neck. he took off running then, and we cleared the end of the forest. wind rushing by us I looked up to see alainna still being carried by Ian, high up in the air. Dimitri yelled from behind us, but soon his voice died on the wind.
"What are we suppose to do about them," I yelled at both Ian, and Slade. "We run for one thing, and then hide so they won't find us." Ian told me. "We also need to be careful about where we're heading, and how we get there because there are more Daemon Hunters than we know of," Slade said back up. When we kept running into the night.
I was quiet for a moment then, looking back to see if dimitri or the other guy was following. They were nowhere in sight, so I relaxed a bit. "Ann, are you alright?" Slade asked, giving me a sidelong glance. "You're never quiet." I scowled at him but he didn't see. "How's your side?" "It's not as bad as it looks." "Alright." I suddenly realized how unbelievably tired i was, and set my cheek against Slade's back, closing my eyes. More then ever I wanted to go home, back to town where everything was normal and there weren't any homicididal Daemon hunters and forcefields and blah. Slade slowed to a walk, then, and turned his head. "Are you sure you're okay? Were you hurt?" I shook my head. "What's wrong?" I just shook my head again. "I'm just tired.""Are you sure?" "Slade, you're gushing blood and you're asking about my health," I snapped. "Just shut up, okay?" Slade was still before speeding back into a run. Feeling guilty immedietly, I closed my eyes and just tried to get some sleep.
"Man why do those Daemon hunters have to come and hunt you guys? I mean you guys are pretty must normal, except your wings, and Slade's teeth!" I was telling Ian just because it had popped into my head. "Well let's see here Alainna," He said putting a finger to his chin in a thinking way, "they probably think humans should rule the world, and that they think we're trying to take control," He said looking back down, at Ann and Slade running underneath us. "Yeah well I can understand the reason for that, but it just kind of seems a bit racist to me," I said. "Racist? How?" Ian said with a curious glint in his eyes. " Well you know how people hunt for sport, and then there's the endangered species," Ian nodded his head, "well it's like hunting them down. People don't even know you guys exist." I said flailing my arms around accidently hitting Ian in the face. "Ow!" "Sorry." I said back.
- by redheadsrule13 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/25/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: E-mailAnimation: Visitors
- Artist: redheadsrule13
- Description: Ok the I believe 4th part. The name is actually Unwantes Visitors, but it won't let me put it all in. Hope you enjoy, rate, and comment please.
- Date: 11/25/2009
- Tags: emailanimation visitors demon fallenangel
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