• Chapter 1: "Where am I?"

    I opened my eyes. "Where am I?" I wondered out loud. Looking around, it was easy to see that I wasn't home: I was in some sort of lab tube. All of a sudden, I could hear noises coming from the back of the room. My werewolf instinct kicked in and I began to turn into my more 'wolf ' form. An employee rounded the corner from where he was, in the back of the room.I snarled a challenge. He flipped a few switches on my tank, and looked up. I could swear that his eyes took up almost two thirds of his head. He ran to the end of the of the room to the phone. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I think he called his boss.

    "Yes Spence, what now."
    "Well, you know the girl in the tank in here?"
    "Yes, I'm well aware of her being here at the lab."
    "She must have been a werewolf or something, because there's a wolf in there now!"
    "What? She's dead!"
    "That's the point. I don't know how or why. Could you send someone down here to help?"
    "I suppose so."

    He hung up and walked back over to me. I was a human again, and I was also giving him the sideways glare that werewolves are known for. It's part of our charm. He was staring at my left shoulder with this weird look, a mixture of worry, fear, and love. I was angry about love being in the mix, but I, too, looked at my shoulder. What I saw was frightening: I had two claw scratches, fatally deep, deep enough that I could see my shoulder bones. I now realized what had happened. I had been killed by a demon. Dante was probably so sad, I just hope he didn't become a demon hunter again or go into a depression. Well, at least I know what I have ahead of me: I have to escape the lab, get out of town, get home, and convince Dante that I'm fine. I heaved a sigh. "This is gonna take awhile, I can see that." I moaned. My hybrid brain kicked into overdrive as I thought up an escape plan...