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    Walking through the streets Buffy had in her hand an ice cream cone from Giles as a way of saying ‘have a good night and don’t do anything rash’. Finishing it off and cleaning off her hands Buffy turned the corner of a street and saw a woman further up ahead being followed by a group of four vampires. Picking up her pace Buffy cut through some bushes and ran out into the street in front of the vampires grinning leaving the woman to continue on her way.

    “You know what they say about playing with your food?”

    “Shut up and die already”

    The vampires were clearly pissed off about something as all four lunged for Buffy, taking up her fighting stance she ducked under a punch and knocked away a hand slamming the heel of her palm into the vampire’s face before turning to the others bringing around a spin kick knocking them away from her. Pulling out her stake out from her coat she danced around punches and kicks all the while keeping the cross bow at her back without damaging it as she make quick work of dusting the vampires. As soon as the fight was finished she felt a large presence loom over her shoulder, turning Buffy had to crane her neck up and what she saw not only set her on edge but for once in her life she had no witty remark to throw out. Stumbling backwards she tripped on a rock and fell to the ground and on her butt.

    “Oh my god... what are you?” Buffy managed to squeak out. The creature looked like a giant spider crossed with an armoured beetle, with its large claws and dripping mandibles all Buffy could think was she certainly found that spider creature, and that her cross bow might not be enough. Pulling it around Buffy fired off two shots before the creature picked her up and was ready to tear her apart no matter how hard she fought back.

    “Anubiros let the girl go. Your fight is not with her, but with me” It was a low gravelly voice and it sounded familiar to Buffy as she struggled to not have any of her limbs torn off. Stepping into low lighting was Daemon as he had both hands in his pants pockets, he looked at the creature and called out again.

    “I won’t repeat myself Anubiros, Let... Her... Go” Daemon breathed out evenly even going so far as to c**k his head to the side, he wasn’t wearing his earlier dress suit, but rather casual black khakis and slate pull over shirt, however something seemed off as the air around him seemed to give off a cold vapour.