• Shadow of the day 22

    The pikes got into the palm of the hands and the feet of a white shadow. He slowly began to dissapear as I pulled the spikes out. He was right next to Sylvia with it's mouth open when I got him. I felt tremendouse fatigue, and sank to my knees. Titan on his knees next to me and put his arm on my back to keep me from falling onto the floor. "Controling darkness, takes a lot out of a person" I breathed heavily. Morgead approached us and asked "Why didn't you let that thing kill Princess Sylvia? It would have been less trouble for you in the future." he asked. "I have no intention to kill anyone of your werewolves, or let them get killed right in front of me." I said. "But what about the two you faught?" he asked. "Unconsciouce, not dead. They will live." I said. I was still breathing heavily, but I needed to say something to Morgead before I blacked out "I am not a werewolf, I am a vampire-witch halfbreed. But, I love Titan more than anything." I felt a stab in my chest, and I blacked out.


    The spikes made of darkness went back into the ground after killing a white spirit that was about to kill Sylvia. Darkness sank to her knees. I went on mine and put my arm to her back so she wouldn't fall onto the ground. "Controling darkness takes a lot out of a person" she breathed heavily. I tried to smile, but it didn't come. My dad came toward us and asked Darkness "Why didn;t you slet that thing kill Princess Sylvia? It would have been less trouble for you in the furture." he asked. "I have no intention to kill anyone of your werewolves, or let them be killed right in front of me" Darkness said. "But what about the werewolves you faught" my dad asked. "Unconciouse, not dead. They will live" she said, still breathing heavily. I saw in her eyes she was going to black out soon, but before she did she said "I am not a werewolf, I am a vampire-witch halfbreed. But, I love Titan more than anything" and her head went slack. I looked up at my dad "Well? What do you say dad?" I asked him.

    Next, Shadow of the 23