• There once was a little toaster named Brianna. One day lil toaster Bri realized some thing, all toasters toast toast. Only toast. Not waffles, not bagels, just toast. One day after Bri's realization, her mom yelled awful things that made bri cry and rethink her place in the world. Her mother said and I quote"What kind of toaster are you!?! you can not even toast the bread correctly! you always burn the toast! oh and this bagel situation,you only warm the bagel, not toast them what is wrong with you!?!" As Brianna was crying she yelled back "Well if you cant exept my beautiful burnt toast then i will find someone who will!!!!!!!" One week later she moved to mexico where they love her burnt toast. and when she lived in mexico she always said the same thing to me" Siempre exepto una tostadora de quién es." NOW IF ONLY I KNEW WHAT THAT MENT.