• Believe Me, I’m Lying: 16

    “So tell me what you’re doing here again?”
    I sighed, slumping back into my seat. We were back in the employee lounge again. Oliver sat next to me on the couch while my uncle sat across from us, a frown on his face. “I told you, I’m not here to drink. I’m here to work… or more precisely, train.” My uncle turned his eyes to Oliver, who was jiggling his foot with impatience. “Is this true, Mr. Fox?”
    Oliver nodded. “We’re short on staff, so I asked her to help.”
    “You know she’s seventeen, right?”
    I stared at my uncle in shock. “What are you doing?”
    “Harley, he can’t lie about your age to his parents. This is different from school since this is a bar.”
    “I already know,” Oliver responded, rolling his eyes.
    My uncle pursed his lips at me. “Harley.”
    “He found out by accident,” I cut my uncle off. “He’s keeping my secret, so I’m helping him at the bar.”
    “And your parents are okay with this?” my uncle asked, turning back to Oliver again.
    “As I said, we are understaffed.” Oliver responded a little bit rudely. “They know her age, and my dad is fine with it.”
    “You do realize Harley has a lot to handle, right?” She has