• D-day or ''operation overlord'' was the amphibious allied landings along the Normandy coast that opened up a new front in the war in Europe. On June 4th 1944, a massive armada of Allied ships set sail for the beaches of France but they faced appalling weather conditions so they postponed the invasion. Nonetheless, the next day they set sail for France again under bad weather but this time they made it to the beaches and faced a horrified Germany fire. The americans landing on Utah and Omaha beaches while the British and Candadian landed on gold and sword beach. Next they over-ran the German defences and into the interior of France. British and Candadian forces attacked the strategically important city of Caen while the Americans closed the Falaise pocket. After, they went south and another sea-born invasion in the south took place and met up with General patton's forces advancing from the North. They then liberated paris. It seemed little could be done to stop the allies advancing to the German border.