• "have you heard about that girl that always appear in that abandoned western manor?" "eeeh, i heard about it they said she is the only daughter of the household but one day they got massacred and the girl's spirit somehow still appear" "its pretty scary right? but i heard the girl looks like a doll.Shes small and petite with a short orange hair and they said shes pretty cute too.." "i thought you'll get cursed if you saw her...." "that is true the curse did happened"

    the housewives are still talking trash about me.... how do they know anything about me.... they didn't even know a thing..... I'm lonely

    dear diary , I saw a lonely girl today she looks lonely maybe we could be friends... but how will she reacts...
    I'm glad she reacted normal... but it looks like she has a problem maybe I should talk to her...
    I see she always got bullied and her parents doesn't get along...
    that girl doesn't talk to me anymore did something happened?
    I see she got bullied because of me and her parents scolded her because of me too..
    WHATS MY FAULT!!! I just wanted to be friends! its because of that rumor isn't it , they think shes cursed... and she thinks I cursed her...
    I must save her somehow...
    the priest came to her house attempting to exorcist her.... are they stupid soy beans won't cast me out however it seemed I'm not welcomed here anymore I'm leaving...she grabbed my foot... just let go stop crying I thought you didn't needed me anymore...
    I left , but with a gift of a doll... i wrote "I'm still your friend take this charm and remind me that I'm still your friend even though you can't see me any more" at the back... I'm happy.... shes happy....

    "i heard that girl Mikasato wasn't it? got cursed!" "eeeeh, really? I'll advice my children not to go near that ghost"

    they're still trash talking about me..... I'm not the one who'll punish you the god himself still judging you every second.... you're talk is one of the seven sins...

    dear diary, mama and papa told me to go back to heaven... but somehow to do that i need to find my body first.... my process of judgement isn't verified if my body is still haven't been settled by a grave keeper ...... but god gave sympathy and will verify me but... i feel incomplete... i have to find it...

    dear diary, a new highschool girl just moved in town.... i heard she is very pretty.... i hope we can be friends..... but i feel a strange aura around her ...... I'm curious....
    she helped me from being hit by a car but she doesn't have to do that... but i saved her too.. i made her invicible for a while so she doesn't get killed....but she has been told about the curse I'm sure she'll stay away from me...
    someone just entered my manor... its that girl...but why did she came back?.... after realizing she is the daughter of this household loyal maid . the maid name is Amelia.... Amelia is one of the survivor from the massacre...now that she mentioned it me, her and Amelia used to play together... I'm glad that we met but... long story short she couldn't help my problem... of finding my body... its just a waste but she told me she is the future holder of the manor... I'm happy at least someone can keep me as a company..... but she told me there will be a nun that can help me... she is the guardian of the south church i must meet her..

    "have you heard it? someone will be guarding that manor now" "relative?i pray them safety" "me too"

    scumbags you don't have to pray safety I'm harmless...

    but its pretty sad that all children ran away from me right now... at least Catherine keeps me a company I can't wait to be reincarnated its pretty lonely.... just look how fun children like them going to school play with friends... my childhood is dark papa and mama told me i have a fragile body... so i can't often leave the house and play with friend.... I'm jealous...I'm hurt... they never understand... calling me a bad omen...

    dear diary, this will be my last log from the ghost me Catherine told me she'll keep you until i got reincarnated and gave this back to human me... I'm excited.... but contacting that nun will be a pain... since she believes that all spirit are evil... I'm going to proof her... its painful she threw a lots of holy things at me , even though it doesn't hurt me because I'm a harmless spirit.. I keep visiting her but she still denies to see me why?... and until she asked "why are you doing this, I'm not the one you should be avenge on why? those word hurt me and it reminded me of the massacre, i shouted the same things at the murderer that massacre us... i tried saying help at the nun but my voice is gone... so i sent her to the past and to make her see what i have been through... oh i haven't told you my past too so I'll tag you along " it was my birthday ..... I'm happy I've been treated like a doll at that party ...papa announced the crowd "this is my precious doll made out of pure diamond, we will celebrating her 7th birthday" the crowd clapped and mama smiled but I'm still sadden that all of these are papa friends i don't even recognize them non of them are my friend.... until the incident ....the murderer bludgeon everyone using a sharp hammer ... NOO! this isn't my birthday gift!!!!! the murderer approached me "so this is the birthday doll, hehehe " and i shouted it "why are you doing this, I'm not the one you should be avenge on why?" they replied "i don't know because you got money?" then i tried to run "she escaped!!!!! we will not leaving any witnesses alive!!!" when i got out i thought i was safe but.... i got hit by a white van that the murderer use... they friction my leg into shred with their tyre and flatten my body into a splattered juice of organs..what did i do to deserve these.. i didn't even have friends i don't want to die alone.... but... its fate.... " the nun under stand the situation... and helped me... she said to me "Ai chan is a good girl after all how could i not help?" I'm really grateful to her I'm speech less i told the nun "five more years can you wait for me?" "please be my friend" the nun nodded her head "emm! I'll wait for you Ai chan" I'm happy I finally can rest... papa mama I'm coming.....

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