• slient does my breathing become
    still does my heart grow
    gone is the vision of the world
    in my mind time does slow

    Down the scoop
    the retical in the center so red
    all of my concentration
    to this one lone shot has my conscience bled

    carcassing the trigger
    like the soft cheek of a lover
    the moment of the kill
    in the air it does hover

    The traget is unaware
    his defense down
    soon his life blood
    will he wear as his crown

    And the target turns
    and the shot is off
    the rifle flies from my hands
    in the air does it hang aloft

    I'm down the stairs
    faster than nimble fox
    for this building I shant wish
    to thus become my funeral box

    And as I emerge
    from the building lone
    all the world it seems
    has finally to a silent somber tone

    Yet still I run
    yet still I flee
    from the image of the target
    of the face of the dead man to be

    It was a contract
    one like any other
    turned down the money I wouldn't
    i would not give it to another

    And yet
    as I flee to the safety of unknown shores
    the memory of the deader
    in my mind I still bore

    for how would you feel?
    Would you be any different than I?
    Had you also had to sentence that man,
    .....that man with Mine same face to die?

    And as i run
    fleeing the place of the kill
    as the man with my face bleeds and dies
    A small part of my heart grows still