• I am the color blue
    Or an ocean of a similar hue

    I am a bird who flies
    On somber wings through somber blue skies

    I am a cool spring breeze
    A soft silent song as I move through the trees

    I am a gentle touch
    Lending life through hands that have lent too much
    I am the color blue
    Or an ocean of a silimar hue

    I am a bird who flies
    On somber wings through somber blue skies

    I am a cool breeze
    A soft silent song as I mo9ve through the trees

    I am a gentle touch
    lending life through hands that have lent too much

    I am a ray of light
    That gives joy to life and makes the world bright

    I am also the rain
    Showing the broken I too, feel their pain

    I am a mellow beat
    From a poor man's drum who lays at your feet

    I am the feel of fall
    A crisp-edged wind and the bird's hollow call

    I am the 'nevermore'
    From the crow's black beak, the warning it bore

    I am a story told
    To busy young ears from lips cracked and old

    I am the cold conrete
    Giving relief to the summer-hot feet

    I am eternity
    Every feeling and motion that is me