• "Spring Wish"
    By Shinkail Ardurven

    In the spring breeze
    The scent of life fills my lungs
    So absentmindedly
    I relinquish my inhibitions

    So overwhelming this feeling
    This complete range of purity
    Something holy and filled with extasy
    As the image of the new crushes me

    Breaking away this lifetime formula
    Of armor that was constantly renewed
    And constantly broken
    Now it is completely discintegrated

    And. . . . . sadly . . . .

    As if the Devil himself took hold
    I was brought back down
    In my moment of bliss
    To face this ugly world

    With all of it's faults
    And the horrific flaws
    While I stand here
    Making anew this armor

    I'll walk with the iron-clads
    And deluge myself in this sickening world
    Cause I have no fear
    But neither do I wish to die

    Because I wish to see that land once again . . .