• As I remember the days of school years I lust for the memory of that one.
    Her eyes captivating, remnants of tasty chocolate,
    The skin I only touched by hugging on such few occasions flash into my brain.
    That face, and that smile brightened up my days.

    Your style, eccentric, yet calm but full of energy, and infinite vigor
    Your sultry and accent laced voice, my instant shyness trigger.
    Those lips juicy and cute, yet...your ashamed of your gift,
    You do not know how many times I saw those and wished to kiss.

    You barely knew me, as much as I wanted to know you.
    You wouldn't imagine how much I wanted to approach you, to see you.
    But my panic, my doubt, only took your walk to made me wary
    So I peek though corners and doors sneaky, and shadowy.

    I did it just to feel the aura the pleasure of seeing my crush.
    While pleading to fight my hope, to control my lust.
    While always wishing you was in love with me...
    But denying to myself...that we can never be.

    I now live with the pain of heartbreak, that draning feeling of regret.
    my brain cursing itself for attempting to court the beau of another.
    Armando should know how lucky he is, how happy he should be to have you.
    but I can only wish him and you the best, no matter how much it hurts...

    No Matter how much I miss you...
    No Matter how much I lust
    No matter your smile
    No matter what.

    Only thing that matter in a loveless life,
    Should be the joy of the one your love....
    But It does not make it hurt less
    As The days Pass in my loveless life

    I look back and lust For a Memory.
    and I hope no pray that
    one day under the moon of night
    We can share the memories as friends.