I guess I realy feel like a lost child....even if I'm about to be 16 soon...I just feel lost....I feel like I missed out in something....something important, and no I'm talking about having a boyfriend or in going out some where because...thats not what I missed....it feels like i've been going around and around and haven't gotten nowhere...it feels like the days have no ends.....it feels like every second that passes is a second I have wasted of something important.......but I guess...I myself still haven't relized what I have missed.....

I guess this journal entry is pointless,but.....I do feel lost.....lost in my own little world where everyone is going in slow motion.....and in a blink of an eye....a minute has passed.....I guess father time isin't kind...or atleast he doesn't wait for no one.....but.....then again, who is realy kind in this world...we may all look kind,but.....looks won't all ways tell everything......*sigh*oh well...I guess I have wasted your time.......I'm sorry

-Love, Love