Yesterday, my cousin got married. Of course, That's just a summary of what happened. Yesterday started off with us packing our bags and driving for hours to a nice hotel which wasn't far from the chapel. After a few hours our family congregated to the church, where we enjoyed a short and somewhat funny ceremony. But the best moment of the night (to me) was when one of my relatives mistook my older brother as my sister's boyfriend. Believe me, I'm still laughing about this. But once the wedding was finished, we all headed back to the hotel for the reception. At this point, everyone is starving, so when the waiters brought out the bread baskets, everybody dug into them. Our first dish was a creamy chicken soup. I still wish I had a second bowl, it was so good. Next came a salad. I wound up eating my bro's salad since he didn't want it. So I made good use of both dressings. The italian dressing was a bit too tangy for my taste, while the french dressing was sweet with a touch of spiciness. My dad mistook them for ketchup and mustard at first glance.
After that we had the main course, which was beef, chicken, mashed potatos, and pasta. And then there was dessert. We had peppermint ice cream (I had two helpings) and there was cake, but I skipped it. After everyone ate, there was the tossing of the bouquet, and my sis really didn't want to go up. But she got taken up there anyway, and ironically she caught the bouquet. It would have been funny if me or my bro caught the garter, but the groom gave it such a weak throw that it hit the floor before reaching any of the single guys. There was one guy who seemed a bit zealous in getting it (he was also the one to grab it). Sometime after that I went back to my room and watched some TV. I really didn't want to hang around while my parents got smashed along with everybody else. All in all, it was a nice wedding, and I'm glad I went. It makes me wonder how my own wedding would look like.
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