ACEN Day 2
Well, ACEN's been over and gone now for two days, but that doesn't mean I can't tell you how the last day went. I held off on putting this in for a few days since my body was still taxed from the standing I did on Saturday. It also didn't help that I had to demolish a couch today either.Anyway, we didn't get there early like we had hoped since my bro slept late and his car got a flat. There weren't too many people there that day since it was the last day and most of the events were already over. But that didn't stop me from a bit of last minute shopping. My bro also took the chance to get a large replica of the gunblade, a weapon that appears in Final Fantasy 8. He also picked up a pair of Sai (the weapon, not the character). As for me, I got a few smaller things, such as a manga and a garnet necklace (garnet is my birthstone), as well as a few more pieces from the artist's alley. I'm looking forward to the next time I go to a convention, but one thing's for sure: I'm paying for it BEFORE I get there. I'll put up the photos I took later.