So I've come back after my first day at Anime Central (ACEN). As much as I'd like to say I enjoyed the whole time, I can't, because I spent 3 hours in line (not to mention a few more hours walking around) and my legs feel like lead weights. However, my day wasn't entirely wasted since I did get to see some cool stuff. There were tons of cosplays, and I was able to call all but one, who I mistook for cosplaying Mary Poppins (never found out who she was cosplaying either). Besides that, I ran into an old friend of mine as well. Of course, since she was stuck in the line for a longer time than we were, she ended up not having too much time before she had to leave.Some of the things that did stink is that I missed Gaia's visit to ACEN because of the line. You'd think there'd be better management than making a line for people to use a computer to enter their data, then go wait in another line to pay. But besides that, I did see some good stuff. Some of the cool things I did see besides some awesome stuff in the artist alley were some of the model swords they had on display. There were swords from the anime Bleach, some swords from Final Fantasy, as well as a steel version of the plasma blade from Halo 2. Of course, there were also anime and manga vendors (some were too young for kids though xp ) as well as a few other shops here and there, such as an art shop and a shop that made custom cards for the Bleach TCG (which I don't play). And so after day 1, my souvenir count is:
1 boken (wooden sword)
1 custom pouch from the artist's alley
1 free t-shirt
a few pictures with cosplayers (I'll have them in day 2's summary)
And so, tomorrow begins another day at the con.
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The little things and how they matter...
this is where you'll probably find the nonsense from the guy with his head in the clouds...
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