according to ME
I'm single, my "kids" have no father figure or daddy. terrably sorry girls. Its been set clear i'm a friend. bleh... thank goodness i am very optimistic or right now i'd be tearing... Optimisim, they are lies that make you feel good even though you know they arent true. rofl i always use it to my advantage, which is why i always seem to havea smile on my face, O_o you wouldn't believe how much my face hurts for smiling soooo much, especially when i laugh, god it hurts, damn muscles getting all tense. lol righ tnwo i laugh cause i remember not to long ago when i was talkgin to liz(the one andreas calls "ho" wink on the phone, we were both crying big time and all depressed and all. then out of no where my goat comes up to me and screams. that was so freakin funny. just my random goat screamign in the middle of us you all woudl havelaughed as well if you where there, or heard.