ok....so theres a saying or so i think it's a saying but....people say life gose on.....in life u r either a loner,a weirdo,a 2 "cool" person or ur normal averge student in school......what am i....i'm a weirdo/loner.....already i have been noticing that all my friends have new friends....but i don't.

alright,so it was thursday ur normal averge day.....not much 2 say...so u think....i always fall asleep on the bus and since my bus only has 2 bus stops i have a "friend" that gets on that stop.....so i didn't hear her and she hits me in the back of the head w/ a bag....then she says "wake up giselle!".all i say is "what the heck...."and turn around and she just laught @ me....all i say 2 my self is 'this is the kind of friend i got me?'really nice.so the day gose on sajda wasen't yet @ school and we bith have physics together and well since the room is so full of students,i seat @ the corner of the table w/ sajda,ui(friend of sajda),lisa and brianen(the one w/ the braces),so i go and sit down in her seat 4 the while that shes not here....me and ui don't talk,well not ti'll sajda arrives,and thats were it starts 2 get very disturbing....i move 2 the corner of the table and give back sajda's seat and thats were ui starts talking 2 me.....i'm thinking 'ok...u weren't talking 2 me before but know that she arrives u talk 2 me?'i thought it was kinda mean...especially since we started talking 2 each other when sajda wasen't around....so that was kinda mean....after that i went 2 spanish class 4 spanish spekers and since i'm not 100% well triend 2 speak spanish like i'm suppose 2 i didn't understand the h.w very well and got an F+ 4 the day.....i really didn't like that since i didn't really understand the h.w.well so after that i was the first one 2 leave that class and went straight 2 my next class which was english and i was the first one 2 get 2 my classes the teacher didn't really hered me coming 2 class and i just went striaght 2 my class and sat down and began 2 cry...not alot just a little and the teacher finally saw me and told me "hello giselle,hows ur day?"i just say fine and finally 4 the first time in my life,a teacher finally care about me,i felt so happy,but the worst it yet 2 come....
for now thats it ti'll next