OKIE MA-DOKIE CHUM-A-ROKIE!!! ... or something like that... xd
I haven't posted in my journal in a long time! whee BOY, IS IT GOOD TO BE BACK! Ok, my college adgenda for Fall 2008 is as follows:
My college classes are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (central standard time)
9:00-9:50 am
12:00-12:50 pm
2:00-2:50 pm
3:00-4:50 pm (only on Fridays)
4:00-5:15 pm (only on Mondays and Wednesdays)
So, peeps who want to talk to me can only talk to me between those times (not before 9:00 am, and not after 5:15 or 4:50 pm). Other than that, TOOTLES!!!
~*Whispers of a Dream*~
View User's Journal
All right!
Randomness will come through this journal as if flying, and I will explain all my feelings in it... If there is anything that offends you I apologize, but I will not let your criticism destroy what I have placed in this book...
Whispers of a Dream
Community Member |
~*A sweet song of purple moonlight swifts deep in my soul and dances with the stars...*~[/color:fa39f36a87][/size:fa39f36a87]