And Thus Life Continues...
I'm exhaughsted. I have a Nutrition Exam on Tuesday, Chemistry 107 is complicated, Psychology has quickened its pace (so I can't jot down notes as quickly as I want to), I'm sick with sinus issues (and that is the LEAST of my bodily problems!), and I am stuck to the continuous process (school, work, repeat) again. I have literally lost about half the thickness of my hair and my excema has appeared upon different sections of my skin. The unfortunate issue of work is lack of hours and getting paid once every 3 weeks. It is supposed to be 2 weeks, but the process of calculating my pay and sending the check through the mail adds another week to the wait. I was happier when I was working at the cleaners, when I was just dealing with racial issues instead of payment problems.
During these times, it is difficult for me to find the optimistic side of things. Feel rest assured, dear reader of my journal, that I always seem to get out of sticky situations sooner or later. I just need my complaints every once in a while to calm my nerves.
~*Whispers of a Dream*~