Loopy Loopy!
Okay, I don't know why I entitled this segment of my journal "Loopy Loopy." I guess I just want to try to make myself more peppy. whee I'm tired, as usual. BUT! I have a little time to waste since class is cancelled for today and I don't have to go to another class until 5:30. mrgreen I passed my Nutrition Exam 1 with a 76.8%, but it is not exactly the grade I wanted. Only 1/4 of the study guide that she gave us was on the test! gonk I'll just be happy that I didn't get a "D" or a "F".
As for the rest of my life, I've got better from whatever I had. I'm still a little snuffly, but overall fine. 3nodding
I'm probably going to get an increase in hours because of the mall schedule change, and hopefully I won't have to suffer through less than 10 hours a week! YAY! YAY! YAY! blaugh
Lets just hope that it will get better as the year progresses!
~*Whispers of a Dream*~