Author: My goodness... 16 already? I wonder just how many installments this thing will have....
Lavi: Author-chan? I thought you were busy?
Kanda: To dumb to pass your exams bakauthor?
Author: oh hush yuu. I'm trying to think! *hmmm*
Kanda: Key word is, "trying"
Allen: Like you're the brightest bulb in the crayon box, jerk?
Kanda: Why you...
Lenalee: Both of you are ridiculous! Now hush while author chan is thinking!
Group: ...
Kanda: bulb in the crayon... hey wait a minute moyashi!
Allen: Bravo! I really hadn't expected you to get that one until later tonight! Someone's been reading their Hooked on Phonix again!
Lavi: But... hooked on phonix is a reading gui-
lenalee: oh just let them be. We all know how this is going to end.
*random scene change*
Kanda: I'll slice you open with my MUGEN! *Chases Allen*
Allen: *runs screaming like a girl*
*scene returns*
Lenalee: See?
Allen: I do NOT scream like a girl!
Lavi: Sure you don't Allen-chan... you just scream like... a... very effeminant... man.
Allen: yeah, you'd better say man... *pouts*
Lenalee: aw, what cute (allen: *deathglare*)... er... uber masculine... pouting... of... manliness...?
Kanda: Pfft, it sucks being stuck in a room full of girls.
Lavi: how come I got dragged into this too!? In fact, i'm probably the MOST manly of all three of us!
*komoui and krowley sit in the emo corner*
Allen: I dunno... I'd have to say Lenalee is more manly then you are...
Lenalee: oh you did NOT just call me manly...
Allen: uh... er...
Lenalee: It's go time. *activates dark-boots* Protect your good's boys, because when i'm done with you you're going to have to change your names to Allena, (points at Allen), Karen (points at kanda), and Lanie (points at Lavi).
Kanda: WTF Karen?! no one LIKES that name.
Dane Cook: Look... here comes karen... everyone act like you like her!
Kanda: see?!
Lavi: *squats on the ground in a fetal position* I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!? why am I being dragged into this?! for ONCE I didn't open my mouth, and now my masculinity is in danger!!
Lenalee: *hovering* i don't care HOW MUCH you hate the name. You'll have pleanty of time to pick out your girly details ONCE you get out of the hospital. *glares*
Allen: Um... can I sit this out? I have a note from my doctor... *pulls out random slip of paper*
Lenalee: what the heck? *grabs paper and mutters* please excuse mr. walker from... being beaten to death by... ms. Lenalee lee.... signed.... Dr.... Walker.
Kanda: Nice try squirt.
Lavi: it probably would have been more convincing if it wasn't written on the back of a Wendy's coupon.
Allen: oh, bullocks.
Author: what on earth is going on here?!
Lavi: AUTHOR CHAN, SAVE ME! *flings self at author* Lenalee's going to steal my family jewels!!
Author: uh... what?
Kanda: Don't ask. Can we just go now? I'm tired of swimming in stupid.
Allen: swimming sounds like fun...
Lenalee: You're both idiots. -_-
Author: Alright, alright. I've got my thoughts in a general order now, so lets get started and see where we end up.
Lavi: Disclaimer?
Author: If I owned D.Gray man, you'd be holding a manga and reading this, not looking at it on your computer, in a journal, on a random community site.
Lenalee: this isn't over yet.... *glares at the boys*
Lavi: I literally did NOTHING! WHY AM I SO TORTURED!?
Author: Places!!
Pieces of the Heart (I momentarily forgot the title. sweatdrop )
Part 16. (holy snap! )
(okay, due to this part being slightly confusing, i'm going to give you a quick overview. Kanda is watching a memory of himself and the lotus flower in the darkness. So it's kinda like a third person/first person mix.)
He was floating.
At least that's what it felt like.
Brows furrowed and deep steele eyes slowly fluttered into narrow openings.
It was dark. Very dark. Pitch black. Had he even opened his eyes? He tried to move, attempting to raise a hand to wave in front of his face, but he couldnt manage. All of the sudden it just felt like a weight had settled on his body, and he was tired.
'well...' he thought. 'this is stupid.'
Deep eyes slid closed again, and he tried to shift his body. Something was holding him partially upright, so there had to be something around him. It was simple logic. Right?
"Hello...?" he mumbled. He would have opened his eyes again, but since they were obviously useless, he focused on his other senses.
"shut up!"
He went rigid. Those voices were so familiar. Those sounds... this feeling...
Suddenly he was afraid to open his eyes.
"Will you SHUT UP you stupid... stupid... STUPID FLOWER!?"
He knew. Those voices were ingrained into his being. Not only had he heard these voices before...
At one point, he had been one of them.
He opened his eyes, and there they were. Well... there... it was... and there he was... or... we? Would it be we? Because, well... that was him and... this was him... or at least he thought it was him. Was it really him?
Either way, he would find out soon enough.
He stared in front of him, at the dim glowing form of a pink lotus. HIS lotus... or... OUR lotus. Whatever. This was getting WAY too complicated.
Because in front of the lotus, seemingly floating in darkness, was the dim outline of a figure waisting away in the dark. His figure. It was HIM.
It was Kanda.
Ah yes. He remembered. This specific scene was in his memory. In fact...
this WAS him memory.
"But why am I seeing this from over here?" Kanda muttered, watching himself argue with the flower that continued to spout his name.
Kanda was distracted when his... er.. past self ('yes' he decided,'that is what I will call him. Me. Us.') got quiet. Too quiet.
The flower seemed to shudder in fear, sending out a squeaking voice.
But he knew. This was it. That was the last call he remembered hearing from the flower. Because after that...
And as if on cue, the darkness around his past self twirled and stretched like a curtain in the wind, and began to wrap it's self around him. He watched as he was slowly devoured. He watched his dim eyes grow darker. And then he remembered agian.
Some day soon... You must make this flower bloom again...
His flower...
He turned to the lotus, and gasped. It to, was being swallowed.
"No!" He cried. Suddenly he found the strength he needed to move. Lurching in the darkness, he reached for the pink petals.
"You can't have that!" he yelled, trying to rush forward. The ground seemed to disolve under his feet, and it was like walking in a marsh.
"Don't take it!" he cried again, pushing forward. Dark tendrils reached out and wrapped around his arms, then his torso, and finally cinched around his neck, stopping him in place as he strained against the bindings.
"NO!" he screamed.
That lotus was his life, HIS LIFE! If it's eaten by the darkness... what does that mean? Is he trapped here? This was his past, wasn't it... does that mean... that he is here BECAUSE he lost the lotus?
"No... " he cried. "NO!"
Pulling harder, he thought about what he would be leaving behind. The order, his life, Mugen, his friends...
His family...
and that man.
"YOU CAN'!" He screamed as the last petals began disolving from view.
"I will not allow this."
A burst of light sliced through the darkness. Kanda winced as the restraints holding him burst into purple smoke. Two tender hands reached out and gently wrapped around the lotus, cupping the pink petals that now seemed so lush with life. The flower was pulled toward a soft chest, and held protectivly, like it was really the life it so eagerly represented.
"Who... who's there?" Kanda called. He narrowed his eyes to see through the dimming light. Golden curls spilled around crystal blue eyes. Soft pink lips curved into a smile.
"You must be Kanda." a soft voice smiled.
And Kanda blacked out.
A soft sound echoed through the infirmary.
Komoui's pen jerked to a stop, and he lifted his head, dark eyes scanning over the beds. It was quiet, and there was no movement. He wasn't surprised. It was rather late, and the lights had been turned off a while ago. The only light left was the small desk lamp he was using for his paperwork, which cast a soft glow in his claimed corner of the room.
Shrugging it off as a 'sound of the night' (because the building WAS kind of old...), he looked back to the paper on his dest, and his pen once more started up it's jerking dance.
A few moments of scratching later, he heart it again.
This time it was a bit louder, and a little more recognizable. It sounded like... scurrying? Or maybe... something moving?
Putting his pen down with a soft "clack", he narrowed his eyes and scanned over the room once more. After a few moments, he had to admit that he really didn't see anything. He was about to shrug it off once more, when it sounded again.
He stood, his chair scraping across the floor with a sudden frightening loudness. He took a few steps across the linoleum to the light-switch-board by the wall. With a quick flip, several overhead lights illuminated, casting a muted glaze over the room. He froze in place, eyes narrowed and ears focused. A few minutes went by, and he was beginning to wonder if the thing had vanished in fear of the light, when he hear it again.
Snapping toward the source, he found himself facing a finder's bed. That was deffinitly where he thought it was comming from... If he remembered correctly, this man had complained of headaches, and checked himself into the infirmary when they had become so bad that he had begun blacking out. Quirking his head, Komoui moved toward the bed. The man seemed sound asleep.
He began a slow circle, looking at the sheets, under the bed, around the edges of the equipment. If something like a mouse had gotten in, and he simply let it roam, it could cause major problems; not only for the machinery, but for the patients they were supporting as well.
When he reached the other side of the bed, and still came up empty handed (literally) he had to admit that he was thuroughly stumped.
That was, until he looked into the face of the finder, who was grinning creepily right back at him.
"Ah!" Komoui gaped for a moment, before putting on a nervous smile. He had certainly not expected to wake the man. And now he was staring with wide eyes, and looked rather... well...
off his rocker.
"H-how are you feeling?" komoui asked, cursing the shake in his voice. This man was just a finder! No need to be nervous. Sure he was a little strange looking but...
Then the finder's grin increased, revealing gleaming sharp teeth.
"Komoui-san! What brings you to this side of the ward?" the man laughed.
"Oh." komoui hesitated before smiling again. "I could have sworn I heard something creeping about, so I wanted to make sure there were no mice wreaking havic with the machinery.
The man's dark ringed eyes lit up with curiosity.
"What makes you think it was mice? There are lots of stuff that move around in the dark."
Komoui was stumped at the question for a moment, before mumbling in response, "Well, mice are more likely, but I guess you're right..."
"No worries Komoui san!" The man smiled again, almost unnaturally. "I'm sure the critter got scared off for now."
Komoui nodded with a sigh.
"Sorry for waking you. I'm just a bit paranoid I guess..." he faded off as he walked to the light switch. Just as he turned the lights off, and sent the room back into darkness, he heard the finders voice split maliciously through the shadows.
"You should be."
Komoui froze, his hand flashing to the lightswitch. But when light once again flooded the room, there was one less body in the infirmary.
The finder was gone.
As he returned to consiousness, Kanda began to realize that once again, he was somewhere new.
And frankly, he was getting sick of it.
"Why can't I ever just wake up where I passed out?" he moaned softly, adjusting his body on the cool grass upon which he lay. His head shifted on something a little more solid, and the soft giggle above him alerted him to the rather close proximity of another person. Opening his eyes, he found himself staring at the same crystal blue jems that found him in the darkness.
He was surounded by a curtain of golden blonde hair, and pink lips were hidden behind a delicate hand.
"I'm sorry." the girl laughed softly, her voice floating gently through the air. "I didn't realize you were so intent on sleeping in one place."
Kanda stared in shock. How was he so close to this girl, without even realizing!? He jerked upward, narrowly avoiding smashing heads with her.
"Who are you." he snapped, narrowing his eyes at her while trying to locate Mugen.
The girl tilted her head with a small smile.
"Are you looking for your sword?" she asked. His eyes stopped flicking around and came to a stop on her face, flashing her with a fierce glare.
"It's right there." she pointed, never losing her smile, at a tree near by. Mugen was resting beneith it, glowing softly.
"What are you doing to it!?" kanda snapped, jumping up and moving toward his weapon. He stopped, staring at the thick branches that had wrapped around his sword.
"I'm healing it." The girl smiled, her blue eyes glinting in the sun.
"Healing?" Kanda growled. He stood his ground and stared back at her, unsure whether to attack or defend without his weapon.
"That's right." the girl nodded happily. "See?" She pointed up to the higher branches of the tree. Kanda followed her line of sight until his vision was fillied with pink.
The entire top of the tree was swarming with lotus.
"What is..." Kanda took a step back, unable to beleive the huge amount of flowers.
"These flowers were born from pure thoughts." The blonde swayed up toward the tree and gently placed a hand against it. "These pure souls lived virtuous lives, and so their hearts live on to help others." She reached up and gently touched one of the lowers hanging flowers, making it glow a bright pink. "So when I asked if they could heal the wound on your chest, they agreed." She smiled, her gaze swaying back to him.
Kanda stared for a moment, trying to comprehend what she was implying, before his hands dashed up to his jacket and practically ripped it from his torso. The tattoo that used to spread across his chest and over his shoulders was shrinking as he stared. He could almost SEE it growing smaller...
"But... how?!" he cried, hands dropping to his side in defeat.
"I cannot heal it completely." the blonde said, looking at the ground sadly. "In fact, I-" She wavered, tilting to the side, falling onto the bark of the tree and sinking to the ground.
"Oi!" Kanda cried, moving foreward to steady the girl. He knelt down before her, gently putting his hands on her slender shoulders. Her face was darkened pink, and she panted slightly.
"I must have... under-estimated... the damage..." she breathed. Kanda could barely speak. Why was this strage girl giving him back his life? Why was she extending his time? Who was she!?
Author: *watches tumbleweed* ... man... its lonely here when everyone is off with Pooh in london...
Lenalee: *walks in with rope* Hey author chan!
Author: Hey lenal-why do you have rope?
Lenalee: It must be done.
*** a few hours later, in london***
Lavi: Dude, is she okay? *pokes tied up author with a stick*
Alteara: AUTHOR-CHAN!!! *cries* I missed you!!
Kanda: Che.
Author: muuuuuumph...muph moo... mree mroph me mrophe?
Lenalee: only if you promise not to maul me when I untie you.
Allen: how did you know what she said?
Lenalee: Duh. I totally speak rope.
Group: *sweatdrop*
Author: mmmmm... mrophray.
Lenalee: Awesome. *unties*
Author: Well, thats much better. Now kanda. *points at lenalee* Sic'em.
Kanda: I am NOT a dog.
Author: oh really? Well then i guess i'll just take alteara with me back to the states and MAYBE forget to bring you too. *evil glare*
Kanda: You wouldnt...
Author: You wanna try it?
kanda: ... *unsheaths mugen* Hold still lenalee.
lenalee: Oh, totally lame author-chan! *runs*
Alteara: author-channnnnnn!!!! *tackles*
Author: hey! miss me?
Alteara: TT^TT *nods*
Lavi: haha, how cute! So author-chan, to what do we own this visit?
Author: well, you'd have to ask lenalee, though i'm not sure how long she'll be able to answer...
*lenalee runs screaming through the background, half-heartedly chased by kanda*
Allen: wicked that it's not me this time. Cheers by the way!
Author: um... what's with him?
Alteara: he's been hanging with me here in good old london! So we've both picked up a spot of accent.
Author: wow... that makes it TOTALLY hard for me to write. XD
Lavi: So author-chan, how are things in the states?
Author: pretty nice. it's horribly hot outside, i'm doing laundry, and preparing for our trip tomorrow. The family is going to tennessee, and that means... a week of no internet!!
Group: WHAA?!
Author: too true. So it looks like the update is on hold. Too bad too, cuz i had more planned for this one.
Lavi: what are we gonna do!?
Author: uh... chill with alte-chan in london?
Lavi: ... uh... okay? *Shrug*
Alteara: But but but... i don't know how the story goes yet!!
Author: well...
Lenalee: have a heart author chan!!
Author: ahem. Keep running?
Lenalee: oh. right. *runs screaming with kanda walking after her*
Allen: come on! Give us some hints? previews? summary!?
Author: alright, alright! hints and preview it is. 3nodding
Next time... lets see... kanda wakes up! but is it really him? a few answers are revealed, and what's happening to lavi? Why is he acting strange? can it be?! Allen is...?! The startling conclusion to the first part of our horribly long series!!
Allen: IM WHAT?!
Lavi: author chan... you don't mean...
Author: that's right... lavi's part is comming!! XD
Alteara: that doesn't tell us enough!!
Author: too bad! i'll try to write it up over vacation, so when i get back i can start right in on it. 3nodding
till then!
Alteara: with love from london!~
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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