Author: BUM BUM BUUUUUUUM. Today... is a very special day.
Kanda: You finally learned how to tie your shoes?
Allen: we're having a feast?!
Lenalee: I get to star in the story!? *starry eyes*
Lavi: We're going on a date!?
Author: uh... no idiot, how is that special, dream on, and sure if you're free later. *nods*
lavi: YES! *dances*
Author: but for now... we need to start what might be the FINALE to part one of Pieces of the Heart! can you beleive that!? can you!? seventeen installments, and finally, FINALLY, we reach the end of part one. I may just cry...
Allen: YES! finally!! no more torture!!!
Author: ha ha haaaaa... thats what you think.
Kanda: can we just get this stupid thing started. We still have a few more parts to go through. I'll celebrate when this torture is over.
Author: i may just kill you off. *glares*
Lenalee: But do you mean it author chan? This is the end of part one?
Author: MAYBE. That's the thing. There's a lot to go through in this update, which may mean that it may branch into another entry. We all know what happened during the story of evil... =_="
Kanda: Ah, the epitome of your stupidity.
Allen: Nice Bakanda, did you read the dictionary last night or something?
Kanda: Baka moyashi, i'm smarter than you any day!
Author: alright, that's enough. Lets try to get this party started! Disclaimer anyone?
Lavi: OH, OH! ME!!
Author:... alright. Everyone put on your hard-hats.
Lavi: Author-chan doesn't own D-Gray Man! If she did, I would TOTALLY be the main character!
Allen: D. Lavi man?
Kanda: I can feel my brain loosing intelligence as we speak...
Lenalee: You'd better be careful then... you have a limited amount to start with! *giggles*
Kanda: All of you will die. *glares*
Author: Quit pouting and get to your places!!
Pieces of the Heart
Part 17
Blue eyes pierced his usually calm exterior.
"You're a good person."
Kanda reeled backward, edging away from the purity of that gaze.
"You shouldn't be sentanced to such a death." She smiled sadly at him. "So I will do what I can to help."
Her breath came rapidly as her lungs desperatly tried to replace the oxygen they were lacking. Dark lashes fluttered in strain. Kanda could only stare. This girl that he didn't know was desperatly trying to save him.
"...Why?" He stared in disbeleif. "Why would you..."
The blonde smiled, unable to speak any longer.
"Because her heart is pure."
Kanda whirled around and came face to face with a red haired girl. She stared at him coldly before brushing past and kneeling infront of the blonde.
"You must stop now." the red head said softly, gently touching the blondes shoulder. "Any more, and you will be hurt. This man's life is secure for now. You have succedded."
The blonde's eye's drooped, and she smiled, whispering "I'm so glad..." before her eyes slid shut and she collapsed onto the shoulder of the girl in front of her.
The red head gently moved the blonde to lay on the ground beneith the tree. Kanda watched her eyes bask the girl with sympathy, before they hardened and turned back to him.
"Do you know why you're here?" She asked.
Kanda blinked. Truly, he had no idea where 'here' was.
"You will have an important roll in the future." The red head stated, green eyes booring into his own dark ones. "We have both decided to bestow upon you, a gift. In return, you will recive the tools neccisary to keep the scales balanced."
"Scales?" Kanda glared. He didn't like the way this girl spoke to him. She was much more condecending than the blonde.
"The scales of life." The girl continued. "the balance between good and evil is about to shift heavily toward the side of darkness."
Kanda blanched. The Moyashi...
"In order to keep the world balanced, we have already set up the chain reaction needed to restore this discrepancy. However, to send this plan into motion, we must give you the tools to use. Alteara has already given you an extention on your life."
Kanda's eyes flicked to the girl lying on the ground. So her name was Alteara?
"And now it is time for my gift..."
"Wait!" Kanda snapped, turning to glare at the girl. "I don't understand! You said I needed tools? To do what? Who ARE you two!?"
The red head glared in response. She reached into the folds of her sleeve and pulled out a small black orb around the size of a dime.
"This." the girl said, holding it up to the light where it glimmered "Is my gift to you."
"Wait!" Kanda snapped, stepping backward. He wanted answers!!
"This orb is filled with the knowledge you will need to correct the future. You will receive it as it is needed, and use it as you will. But if you do not act accordingly, you will ruin the plan we have created, and in return, destroy the world."
"You've got to be kidding me!" Kanda laughed nervously. "Why are you giving this to me!? Explain youself!"
"You are the only one who is untainted by darkness, and who can act upon the visions you will receive."
"What do you mean untainted? Wasn't I swallowed by the darkness?"
"Your soul was protected by the lotus that you are connected to."
"But didn't I give in!? Didn't I let the darkness kill it?!"
The red head grinned.
"I told you that some day soon you must make your flower bloom again. And you did. "
Kanda stared. "That was you!?"
"Yes." the girl nodded. "and now, in return, you must accept my gift."
The red head released the orb into the air, and it floated straight toward kanda, who reached out and gently touched it.
"You must swallow it." The girl pointed.
Kanda stared at her wearily, before bringing the small orb up to his mouth. In one smooth motion, he swallowed it. After a moment, his eyes widened and he reached for his throat, slender finger wrapping around his trachea with bruising strength. His eyes shot to the red head with an accusing glare as he desperatly tried to breathe again.
The girl simply sat and watched, her face neutral. Eventually, the raven haired boy lost his fight with consiousness, and as his eyes rolled back into his head, he collapsed onto the grass. The red head walked over to his body and knelt beside him.
"May you use this gift with responsibility." she said softly, moving the bangs from his eyes.
"I pray that your strength will hold."
Komoui couldn't beleive his eyes.
Three petals. Three.
Only three little petals sat at the bottom of the hourglass while the rest had some how returned to being healthy and connected to the lotus.
He was throughly stumped.
He had even checked the tattoo on kanda's chest, and was amazed to see that it had shrunk immensly. It had to be some kind of magic.
Some kind of miracle.
Now if only Kanda would wake up...
"Hey Komoui-san!"
Komoui looked up from his desk to find Allen, Lavi, and Lenalee walking toward him. The three sent glances toward the bed where Kanda slept.
"No changes." Komoui lied, shifting the sheet over the hourglass.
"Actually Nii-san, we came to see how YOU were doing.? Lenalee smiled.
"Me?" Komoui blinked.
"Yeah." lavi laughed. "You've been so high strung lately. It's not hard to see that you've totally been missing out on your sleep. I mean, you're here EVERY TIME I come in. And I come in A LOT."
"Well" komoui sighed, shuffling the papers on his desk. "I can't really afford to make another mistake. Leverielle's already got the higher ups breathing down my neck about solving the problem here. If I don't fix it soon... i'm afraid they've threatened to replace me..."
"What?!" Allen spat, eyes bulging. The other two looked shocked as well.
"How could they replace you!?" Lavi cried.
"Where will you go!?" Lenalee stared in shock. "How could they... how could they take you away from us!? You're the SUPERVISOR!"
"I know, I know." Komoui said softly. "But there's no helping it. I made a mistake, and a lot of people got hurt..."
"How did you make a mistake!?" Allen yelled, shocking the others. "Was it a mistake to look after me and the others?! Was it a mistake to sort out all of your paperwork to make things easier on everyone else? Was it a mistake when you developed lamps to help me, even when most people didn't beleive a word you said!?"
"Allen-kun, please calm down!" Komoui snapped. Allen snapped his mouth shut, staring like he had been hit. Komoui sighed.
"I've tried my best for everyone. But the truth is that I still really don't know what we're up against. I can't keep you guys safe! Just look at Kanda for heavens sake!"
"But Nii-san, how were you to know he would be attacked?"
"He was the only exorcist here that wasn't attacked before. And he was guarding Allen-kun, and then I sent him on a mission ALONE. Do you really think that was a wise decision?!"
"No. Frankly I think it was a horrible decision, and truly reflects your skills as the supervisor."
The group turned in shock to see Leverieller standing in the door-way of the hospital ward. He walked up, skirting around Allen with a weary look, before standing in front of Komoui.
"I told you before, and I will tell you again." the inspector spat at komoui who sat quietly behind his desk. "You are a failure in your position. And now you've got an exorcist who cant even function anymore?!" Leverieller picked up a pen off of komoui's desk and whipped at at Kanda's prone form. It hit the unconsious boy in the cheek and bounced away into the ward. The three exorcists glared as a bruise began to form on Kanda's pale skin.
"Inspector." komoui snapped, slamming his hands onto his desk. The inspector jumped with a glare as Komoui stood. "I have to ask that while you are in MY section of the order that you do NOT injure MY exocists."
Leverieller sneered. "My, aren't you feeling a little big for your hat today Komoui?"
"Not in the least." Komoui snapped back. "But i've simply had it with your foolish behavior! If you must insist on getting angry, then you can be angry with me! But leave the injured out of this!"
"Is that so." Leverieller grinned like he had just won the grand prize. He lifted a hand and snapped his fingers, and instantly several CROW appeared in the ward. "Take Mr. Lee to temporary holdings." Leverieller snapped.
The dark figures rushed forward and snatched Komoui by the arms, immediatly beginning to drag him from the ward.
"Nii-san!" Lenalee gasped.
"Komoui!" the two boys called.
"Don't worry!" Komoui smiled back at them. "I'll be back soon." And he was led into the hallway.
"That's what he thinks." leverieller smirked. "The rest of you." he waved to the exorcists. "Get prepared. I'll have missions assigned to you shortly."
Allen paled. "But... I can't-"
"You can and you will." The inspector shouted. "Do your job or suffer the consequences."
Lavi glared at the mustached man as lenalee began shaking next to Allen.
The inspector, considering his job done, turned and left the ward. Lavi breathed a shaky sigh.
"This is very bad."
And then, it was a sunny morning, when IT happened.
"Lavi! Good morning!"
The red head turned to find Allen and Lenalee walking up behind him.
"Yo Allen-chan! Lena-lady! How are you this fine morning?"
The three exchanged greetings and shared a cheerful conversation all the way to the hospital ward. It seemed to become a ritual now that they would meet in the morning and go check on Kanda, who was still sleeping, even a week later.
The group stopped outside the door. It was sad to go into the ward now. It only served to remind them of what they had lost. Kanda was still sleeping, and they hadn't heard anything from komoui since he was dragged away by the CROW. They had no idea when they would see him again, and suddenly the order just seemed that much darker.
Until they heard IT.
"I already TOLD you that I'm not saying sqat to you people until I see Komoui!? How can you not get that through your stupid heads?!"
The group echanged excited glances for a split second before they burst into the ward.
And there, surrounded by Inspector Leverieller, Howard Link, several members of CROW and more nurses than you could shake a stick at was a very pissed, and very AWAKE, Kanda Yuu.
"YUU-CHAN!!" lavi cried, flinging himself forward and onto the dark haired boy's shoulder. "I'm so glad you're ALIVE!! I totally thought you were, like, dead or something!"
Kanda glared at the form hugging him before pushing the red head flat onto the floor with a thud.
"Humph, baka-usagi." Kanda snapped. "Like I would die that easily."
"Kanda!!" Lenalee was next, propelling herself into a hug with the dark haired boy. Kanda just had to bear it this time, following his code of not mortally wounding women. Once she had finished, they turned to see Allen keeping his distance with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.
"Glad to see you're okay, Kanda." Allen choked out.
"Shut up, moyahshi." Kanda snapped back.
Allen's smile dropped. "Excuse me!? I was trying to be nice BAKANDA!"
"That's enough!"
The group jumped, minus kanda who simply turned to stare at the inspector with a glare. The mustached man looked ready to pop.
"I've already repeated myself several times, and I'd like to make this the last! What happened while you were missing, exorcist Kanda Yuu!"
Kanda sneered.
"And just like i've repeated over and over, I only report to Komoui. You can go dunk your head for all I care, because the only one who will hear my report is HIM and only HIM."
The other three stared in shock and kanda snorted out a laugh as Leverieller's face turned three more shades of purple.
"You're treading in dangerous waters Mr. Kanda." He ground out.
"F* off." Kanda flashed a single fingered salute to the inspector before crossing his arms and pointedly ignoring him. Leverieller spluttered for several moments before he stormed out of the room, followed by several dumbfounded members of CROW and Howard Link, who remained surprisingly silent.
As soon as the doors to the ward swung shut, the nurses that had been surrounding kanda's bed burst into smiles and quiet cheers.
"Thank you so much sir Kanda!" a younger one cheered with a big smile.
"I didn't do it for you twitty nurses." kanda snapped, ignoring their thanks. "Its about time someone put that stupid inspector into his place. And now that I have what he wants, I can do just that."
"Woah." lavi raised his hands from his place on the floor next to kanda's bed. "I'm SO lost. What's goin' on Yuu-chan?"
Kanda grabbed a book from his bed-side table and dropped over the edge of the bed where he though lavi was located. He gave a satisfyed smirk at the thunk and "ah!" that followed.
"Yuu-chan, wha'd you do that for?!" lavi whined, rubbing the spot on his head where the book had hit him.
"I told you not to call me that, Baka-usagi." kanda snapped.
"Now Kanda." lenalee chided. "We know you're all, like, completely psyched to be alive and all, but can you PLEASE fill us in?"
Kanda quieted down before turning to the girl.
"I would, but I can't. Not until I see Komoui."
"We told Sir-Kanda about what had happened in his absense before Inspector leverieller arrived. We told him how dissapointed we were that Sir-Komoui was taken away, and he got all quiet. After that, when leverieller arrived demanding information, Sir-Kanda refused to speak with him."
"I see." Allen nodded. "So as long as Bakanda keeps his mouth shut about what happened to him, there's a chance we might get komoui back!"
"Well since you put it so elequently..." kanda grumbled.
"Aw, Yuu-chan, I knew you were a good guy!" lavi cried, jumping up from his place on the floor to hug kanda around the waist again.
"OI!" Kanda yelled, trying to remove the red-headed vice from his body.
The group froze and turned to Lenalee, who had thick tears streaming down her face.
"Oh no..." kanda sighed.
Lavi darted out of the way as Lenalee latched onto the dark haired boys shoulders, sobbing.
Kanda sighed, and gently, yet akwardly, pat lenalee on the shoulder.
"Stop your blubbering..." he said, a little less forcefully than he would have liked. "I'll get your brother back."
Lenalee only sobbed louder.
"Anyone have some earplugs?" lavi asked, looking around to the symphathetic faces of the nurses around him.
As the girl calmed herself, the room fell into a peaceful quiet.
Allen, who was standing closest to the door, suddenly cocked his head and turned.
"Did you guys hear that?" he asked.
The rest of the group fell silent. Then they heard an audible thumping traveling down the hall. And it was getting closer.
Lavi stood and stared at the door.
"What is-"
He was cut off as the metal doors burst open. Several CROW flooded into the room. Lavi, Allen, and Lenalee all moved away with the nurses as the CROW surrounded Kanda's bed. The japanese boy stiffened in his seat as Leverieller tromped into the room, draging a disheveled figure behind him. He stopped a few feet from Kanda's bed and tossed the white clad form by it's foot.
"There." leverieller snapped. "I brought back your beloved supervisor. Now you'd better spill EVERY fact-"
"Nii-san!" lenalee cried, gasping at the condition of her brother. Komoui shifted on the ground, obviously in pain, but moving despite his injuries. His clothing was dirty and his hair was matted. Dark bruises littered his visible skin. There were several dark smudges on his face that looks suspiciously like dried blood. His glasses were missing, and his eyes were surrounded by dark circles.
He shifted his body slowly, using a hand on the bed to help lift himself into a croutching position. He turned to look at the bed's occupant, only to stare and narrow his eyes, before gasping.
"... Kanda-kun?!" his voice cracked in strain, but the scientist didn't seem to notice. He was too busy staring in shock at the form before him. "You... you're..."
Kanda nodded in response. This was one of the rare occasions when he was either too shocked or too angry to even say anything. This case was a mixture of both. His fists clenched under his blankets and he grit his teeth.
"I'm so glad!" Komoui sighed, breaking into a releived smile. "I was so worried that you wouldn't recover properly, but now-"
A fist to the back of his head cut off whatever he was going to say. As Komoui sagged onto the bed, barely holding himself upright, Kanda growed in rage at the CROW that had dare strike.
"You are not here to chit-chat Mr. Lee." leverieller sneered. "I beleive you were here to obtain Mr. Kanda's report?"
"O-oh." komoui said blankly. "Right." He carefully pulled himself back up.
Kanda glared harder at the man, but he didn't dare move. With so many CROW around, his hands were tied. Komoui looked just as distressed.
"So... um... Kanda-kun.."
"Mr. Leverieller Sir? You have a phone call!" The group turned to the nurse that had spoken. She was the same blonde that had tended to Allen before, and was standing by the nurses station waving around a phone receiver for emphasis.
"Tell them to WAIT!" The inspector snarled.
"Alright, if that's what you want. But should I say it just like that? I mean, it IS headquarters..."
Leverieller's face turned from red to purple before he stomped over to the nurse. He snatched the phone from her hands, growling "Give me that!".
The teens watched as Leverieller's face slowly switched from red to pale, and he occasionally spluttered out words of his own.
"Alright..." he growled. "I'm on my way."
He smashed the phone back into the cradle before stomping over to the group.
"You!" he shouted, pointing at Komoui. "You are lucky for now! I'm being called back to headquarters for urgent business. But i'll be back! And when I return, I'll have your report, and then I'll have your position!" And with an undignified grunt, he turned and stormed out of the ward, surrounded by CROW and Howard Link.
The second the metal doors swung shut, Lenalee burst forward.
"Nii-san!" she cried, rushing to hug her brother. Komoui smiled back at her, but quickly began sinking to the floor, exhaustion taking over. Several nurses jumped foreward, grabbing the supervisor's arms.
"Put him over here!" A young nurse cried, motioning to an empty medical bed.
"This is ridiculous." Lavi ground his teeth, seething at the site before him. "Just because he's the inspector, we have to take his crap?!"
The nurses all looked to the ground, as if ashamed.
"And what do you expect us to do Baka Usagi." Kanda growled back. "He can sentance anyone to death on a whim. You have your bookman duties to save you, but the rest of us can't be so care free."
Lavi looked back in shock.
"You think i'm carefree? I'm in just as much danger as the rest of you! But i'm not going to just sit here and take it!"
"Listen Rabbit, You f* up and we ALL get punished! There is a reason that we can't fight back against that man."
"oh, I'm sorry." lavi snapped. "I didn't realize you were so scared!"
"Lavi..." Allen and lenalee stared on in shock.
"You wanna die so badly Usagi, i'll gladly oblige." kanda growled, raising himself on his bed and reaching for Mugen on his bedside.
"I dunno Yuu-chan." lavi sneered "I wouldn't try anything. You might get in trouble."
"b*****d!" Kanda snarled, turning to plant his feet on the floor. He stood in a rush, preparing to take down the red-head, when a sharp pain flew through his body. It felt like he was being shocked from his toes to his fingers, and he dropped to the floor almost instantly, writhing in pain.
"Kanda!" Allen cried, rushing to the taller male's side. Lavi moved foreward too.
"Yuu-chan! Don't push yourself-"
"Don't touch me!" Kanda growled at the red head. Lavi shrank back in surprise. His face fell as he watched Kanda be helped back into his bed by the brown haired boy.
"Lavi". He turned to see lenalee, watching him from his brothers side. "I think it's best if you give kanda some... time to cool down..."
"You're asking me to leave?" Lavi blinked.
Lenalee bit her lip, rubbing her hand comfortingly along her brother's arm.
Lavi turned to the others. Kanda pointedly ignored him, and Allen gave him a pained expression.
"I get it." Lavi sighed. "I crossed the line. Whatever." He raised his hands in the air in a shrugging motion, and with a sigh, he turned and walked out the doors.
Allen watched with sad eyes, before turning to kanda.
"You didn't have to be so... angry..." he said softly.
"That stupid rabbit has no idea what he's talking about." kanda snapped.
"Isn't that a good thing?" Allen returned. "If he doesn't know what that man is capable of, than that means he hasn't experienced what that man is capable of..."
Kanda grunted in response, proving that he didn't feel like arguing any longer.
"It's not like being a bookman is so easy too."
The two turned to lenalee, who was still staring at her unconsious brother.
"Nii-san said that there are alot of things restricted for Bookman, and Lavi once let it slip that this is the 7th war he's recorded. At least we all had a few years of peace, but he's been dragged from war to war since before he can remember. It had to have been hard on him..."
The group fell into silence.
"Alright, that's enough." Allen sighed. "I'm so tired of being depressed, so no more sour moods. That means you, Bakanda." He poked kanda in the chest and the older male grunted back at him. "So when we see lavi again, we apologize, explain ourselves, and move on." he nodded with a smile, obviously affirming his plan in his mind.
"yup!" lenalee smiled.
"Che." kanda glared.
"Good." Allen grinned.
Author: Aaaaaand... it's not gonna fit. =_="
Allen: what!? I thought this was the good part!
Author: well... it was SUPPOSED to be... but... the entry got to be too long...
Kanda: All thanks to you and your motor mouth!
Author: HEY! ... shut up.
Lavi: haha, don't worry author chan... we still love you!
Kanda: speak for yourself.
Lenalee: that's jerk for, "totally."
Kanda: Remind me to kill you later.
Lenalee: once again, my calander is marked.
Allen: sometimes i wonder...
Lavi: enough of this! Author chan! what's next!?
Author: I keep writing! yay! i've got some good inspiration now that i've gotten everything in place. I just need to let it come out now! But that may mean that the next entry may ALSO be a little bit longer than neccisary. It all depends on what I think up while i'm writing. 3nodding
Kanda: You just need to clamp that huge mouth of yours shut every so often, and then maybe we wont be dragged through 20 some odd updates just to get to the end of the FIRST PART.
Allen: wow, someone didn't take their sedative this morning.
Kanda: well apparently someone forgot their shut up this morning too. *glares*
Lenalee: does he have rabies or something...?
Author: i think he's just venting a little steam. He was stuck in bed for quite some time...
Kanda: bite me!
Lavi: Are you gonna bite back?
Author: moving on! see everyone in a few moments!
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Art by rnercury
Current Quest: Vagran Sea
Status: 4.1 / 14.5 Bil
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