Name: Riccarlit White Wolf
Race: Loup Garoux (Werewolf)

Birthday: May 12 2230
Height: 7'00"
Weight: 230 lb
Hair color: Black
Fur color: White
Eye color: Dark blue
Sexual preference: Bisexual
Marital status: Single
Education: High school diploma
Occupation/career: Mercenary
Reason for incarceration: Murder by first and second degree, manslaughter, serial killings, murder of officer and officers, murder of federal agent, grand theft, assault with deadly weapon, assault with a potential deadly weapon, assault with what became a deadly weapon, several accounts of public intoxication
Projected release date: unknown
Willing to relocate: No
Inmate health file: Mental disorder may apply to wide range of disorders including psychosis caused by schizophrenia and dementia. Inmate seems aggravated and violent all the time and dose not respond to any treatments. Inmate acts hostile to everyone. Inmate seems to have some type of dissociative identity disorder.