A short story about a rare meeting of Riccarlit's. The story takes place at night on the Cliffs of Soul Searching.
It was about ten at night when Riccarlit finally got to the top of the cliff and looked over the sleeping city below. He placed a cigarette to his lips and lit it with his gold lighter before taking a long drag off it. Exhaling slowly he closed his eyes to once again see if he could figure out a bit about himself. He felt a light breeze through his fur while he ashed his cigarette before hearing soft foot steps. The wolf's nose caught the scent of a familiar friend, one he had not seen for a long time "Thel... It's been a long time... I thought you wouldn't visit me for a few more years." Riccarlit said, still having his eyes closed and taking another drag on his cigarette. Thel made a soft grunt and waited for Riccarlit to turn around and once he did the sangheili tossed him a energy sword "Your Lord asked me to talk with you, but I know that you prefer to battle more. Battle me, wolf. We shall talk after..." the Arbiter said before readying himself for Riccarlit's attack which followed shortly. Riccarlit charged at the Arbiter and the two connected blades "Raji felt like sending someone I look up to, eh? I know I've been bad more then normal but I can't help it... I'm on edge. I feel something coming but I refuse to accept it...." Riccarlit growled before he was kicked back by Thel. The Arbiter then chuckled "I see... Then you should train for it. Not kill... Rise lycan and fight me." Thel said while he circled the wolf. Riccarlit flipped up and the two began a heavy battle of punches and swinging there energy swords. Thel was countering most of Riccarlit's attacks but the wolf was fast enough to dodge them. Riccarlit managed to parry Thel and when he saw the chance, he grabbed the Arbiter's arm and slammed him to the ground. Thel coughed and rolled away before getting up. He smirked before taking his chance to run at Riccarlit but he tricked the wolf into attacking while he jumped over the confused lycan and tripped the wolf "Your not focusing, Riccarlit." Thel said before helping Riccarlit up. Riccarlit growled "It's hard to when you have a lot on your mind... Alright. Lets try this again..." He got ready before signaling Thel that he was ready. Thel nodded and charged at Riccarlit and performing a upward swipe and almost getting Riccarlit, the wolf punched Thel when he saw a opening. Thel growled and locked blades with Riccarlit again. The two began to try and over power each other, Riccarlit managed to knock Thel back and take his shields out. Thel chuckled as his armor sparked and tried to recharge "Not bad..." the Arbiter said before noticing that there swords were out of energy. Riccarlit took the last drag of his cigarette "Well, how unfortunate... We will have to hold off again." He said as he walked up to Thel "Maybe... Hand to hand?" Thel offered as got ready and Riccarlit nodded. The two began to throw punches and kicks right away. Thel managed to counter Riccarlit and began delivered powerful punches to Riccarlit's chest and kicked him back. Riccarlit skidded on the ground before rolling out of the way as Thel dropped down with a ground punch. The wolf tackled Thel and almost got a punch in but was kicked off. The Arbiter got up and got Riccarlit in a choke hold "Give in!" Thel shouted but Riccarlit refused.
((More to come))