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Whines, Rants, & Weasels in Pants (I.E., Random Shtuff)
Some names will be changed in these posts or else nicknames will be used in order to protect the privacy of some people. Also, I whine a lot more than I'd like about some things so I hope you can handle that. If not, move out.
About Michael
What is your name: Michael
Are you named after anyone: Not to my knowledge and I don't really have access to my parents to ask for sure.
What's your screename: chibishinigamipuppy on Yahoo and Snatcher_The_Ripper (duh) oh GaiaOnline.Com.
Would you name a child of yours after you: Hell no my name's too common. I might change up the spelling and pronunciation a bit...
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be: I don't really know. Kolo said mom had been thinking of naming me Gabryelle...
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be: Zeea, hands down. Her name is totally awesome.
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly: How the hell can you misspell "Michael?"
Would you drop your last name and/or change it if you became famous: Neh, I like my last name. It's just one more reason people nicknamed me Duo. Heh...

Your gender: *flashes audience* What do y'all think?
Straight/Gay/Bi: Three guesses and the first two don't count. Hint--males and females are both attractive.
Single: Don't even get me started.
If not, do you want to be: I already said I am in more or less words.
Birthdate: Valentine's Day.
Your age: 21
Age you act: Not really; when it comes to having fun and just being me I act around 16 to 17. When it comes down to having to be mature, I act older by about 8 years or so.
Age you wish you were: I'm happy at 21 but I wouldn't mind going back and re-doing my whole 18th and 19th years...A lot of bad things happened involving people I love then that I'd like to have a chance to go back and prevent.
Your height: You wouldn't believe me.
Eye color: Apparently they change betweem two colours--blue and blue-ish-purple.
Happy with it: As if I could change it if I weren't. I can't stand anything in my eyes...Although occasionally it would be cool to have contacts in that can make them look like they have a design in them or like they're frosty blue with snowflakes floating in them.
Hair color: Medium brown (almost chestnut in colour) but I recently dyed it. Next time I'll go for green or something.
Happy with it: Gentlemen always seem to remember blondes. However, even if I -were- blonde, I have this distinct feeling that still yet no gentleman would remember me. So yeah I'm fine with it...Sometimes I wish it were black or naturally platinum but I'm fine with it I guess. I am how I was created and all things considered I'm happy to be alive so I can live with myself.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: I'm right-handed, but I'm getting better at using my left hand. However, despite what the doctors and my friend Keigi say, my left arm is much stronger than my right one. They -say- it should be the other way around since I use my right one more...Go fig-newton. *shrugs*
Your living arrangement: I live in the basement of my house with two cats. My friends come over and rarely leave so I'd might as well let you assume they live here, too, despite the fact they don't.
Your family: Uncle Spencer and Aunt Miranda, who are old and cruel to everyone they meet (that's not an exaggeration), Kolo who is my cousin and caretaker, my cats, and a sister named Danielle who I love very much despite that we argue a lot.
Have any pets: Two cats, Gourry and Garfield.
What's your job: I'm looking...
Piercings: Ears. I intend to get one ear pierced twice more.
Tattoos: Nope. If I ever -do- get a tattoo, though, it'll probably be of a character that I created or someone I can't get outta my mind.
Obsessions: Oh God don't get me started. Anime is one of my major addictions, as are music and writing, reading, and drawing. I also have an obsession with getting revenge if someone wrongs me and making sure that my friends and family are safe.
Addictions: I'm not quite sure. I'm not addicted to drugs or alcohol of any sort if that's the kind you mean...
Do you speak another language: Quite a few actually. English, Spanish, Japanese, German, vague French, some Elvish and Russian,...
Have a favourite quote: I have a lot of favourite quotes, some of which are found on The Syndicate's Secret's FictionPress.Com page under Not-So-Everyday Quotes and some of which were spoken by people in the past and more recently that weren't written down in that. Aihe I collect quotes.
Do you have a webpage: Yeah and you're looking at it. I have two others but they're not -literally- mine...A few of my friends run those sites even though they're both in my name.

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment: I'm stuck living in the moment but I live for the future.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others: More than I really should be.
Do you have any secrets: Who doesn't? I have one I'd love to share with two different someones but I don't really see them anymore...
Do you hate yourself: Pretty much all the time but there are occasions when I wouldn't want to be absolutely -anyone- else.
Do you like your handwriting: Heck no it's sloppy. My printing's so much better than my cursive...-I- can barely read my cursive!
Do you have any bad habits: Everybody has a bad habit or two but I just can't think of mine right off the bat. I know I have a nervous twitch in my eyes though.
What is the compliment you get from most people: "You look lovely today madam." '...I'm a -boy- b*****d.' "o.0?!"
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called: "My Pace" or "Last One Standing."
What's your biggest fear: Losing someone I care about again; particularly if I can't say goodbye to them or tell them how I feel before I lose them.
Can you sing: I don't think so but Danie, Jeff, and Kreg say I do. Dustone used to, but we all know what his version of singing was--"La la la la la la la the end."
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool: I don't -pretend- to be someone else, but people -still- manage to mistake me for someone else reguardless more times than I can count. Oi ve!
Are you a loner: Sometimes. People don't tend to like my sadistic, sarcastic, and/or cynical moods for some odd reason...
What are your #1 priorities in life: Hell if I know. Graduate college, get a -decent- job, and try to live until the day I die while making sure my loved ones are safe I guess.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you: ...Proooobably not.
Are you a daredevil: Not intentionally. I did almost fall out the window at the top of the house once and people were saying it was a stupid stunt to pull; they wouldn't believe me when I said it was a complete accident.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself: I fear a lot and I hate a lot but all things considered I can live with myself.
Are you passive or agressive: Passive in some aspects and aggressive in others.
Do you have a journal: Yep and it's on this website.
What is your greatest strength and weakness: Strength--Sense of humor and intelligence. Weakness--The heart and mathematics.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: My height, my voice, and making myself look more like the gender I am are all tied in first place.
Do you think you are emotionally strong: I act like it.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life: Honey there is a whole -list- of things I regret doing as well as that I regret not doing. Most of all I regret becoming friends with a couple of people, falling in love with one or two others, and not telling two -other- people how much I loved them when I had the chance.
Do you think life has been good so far: It's been okay. There are people with worse lives than mine so it's okay.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life: Beats me. Probably not to judge others without getting to know them and to have an open mind.
What do you like the most about your body: If you say a -word- about this I will kill you, but,...(For lack of a better way to describe what I mean) curviture.
And least: My friggin' girlishness. My -God- it's sad when -KOLO- of all peope sometimes screws up and calls me a girl!
Do you think you are good looking: In some ways I guess so. Overall I think I'm pretty average.
Are you confident: Not as confident as I might come across as being but I can hold my own I suppose.
What is the fictional character you are most like: Duo, mostly because of the last name similarity and appearance similarities. That, and attitudes. Pretty much, being who I am earned me the nickname Duo Maxwell and I've just become accustomed to it so much over the years that I sometimes say "What?" when someone talks about Duo in real life.
Are you perceived wrongly: God, almighty, that happens too often. I'm a -boy- for starters. I have issues like everyone else. I don't believe in love like people seem to think I do. I'm not that open to strangers even though I try to make myself be so I'm really rather socially awkward. And I love animals more than most wildlife lovers I know.

Do You...
Smoke: Never.
Do drugs: Nope.
Read the newspaper: There's too much bad news to do that.
Pray: Sometimes.
Go to church: I don't like church because every one I've been to (and I've been to churches of several different denominations) are rude as hell when speaking about other religious or else are hypocritical.
Talk to strangers who IM you: Yeah but not a lot. When we get to know each other you can't hardly get me to shut up unless you just piss me off which is pretty hard to do for the most part.
Sleep with stuffed animals: Sadly, yes. But they're so soft and cute!
Take walks in the rain: Yeah, sometimes, but I don't like getting wet unless I'm in a pool, the bath tub, or taking a shower; that's why whenever I walk in the rain something's bugging me. Aihe...
Talk to people even though you hate them: Yep. I'm doing it right now with two girls and one boy.
Drive: Yeah if I had my license.
Like to drive fast: A little but not over the speed limit.

Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice: Kind of, it depends what song I'm singing. I sound girly when I talk.
Hurt yourself: Not intentionally. *I lie and badly.*
Been out of the country: Nope but I'm going to as soon as I get the money; I'm going on a road trip across Europe and then to Japan.
Eaten something that made other people sick: Quite often. Particularly fried chicken dipped in catsup and mashed potatos.
Been in love: Unfortunately. I don't believe in it but there's no other way to describe how it felt.
Done drugs: Never have, never want to, so never will.
Gone skinny dipping: Nope and nothing anyone can say or do will convince me to put aside my self-consciousness to do so. Hell it was hard enough for the past lovers of mine to convince me to get as far as shirtless.
Had a medical emergency: As bad as it sounds, several.
Had surgery: I don't -think- so...
Ran away from home: Once or twice to clear my head but I always came back of my own free will when I felt a little bit better. Even then, though, I told my sister where I was going more often than not so she at least wouldn't be worried.
Played strip poker: Yeah and it was fun. God almighty Kreg has a hot body.
Gotten beaten up: Yeah, by a girl who was ten when I was nineteen no less, so imagine how I feel towards children. Hint--KEEP THE HELL AWAY FROM ME OR ELSE KEEP YOUR HANDS AND FEET WHERE I CAN SEE THEM! O.Ox
Beaten someone up: In self-defense but I don't initiate any physical fights.
Been picked on: By almost everyone I know, although when it's done by my friends and family, it's out of fun because I do the same thing to them. It's how we show we care in some twisted way.
Been on stage: Yep.
Slept outdoors: A couple times.
Thought about suicide: Now and then but I'd never really go through with the notion.
Pulled an all nighter: Repeatedly; I'm doing it now as a matter of fact.
If yes, what is your record: Five days. I slept for six after that and successfully missed my own birthday because of that. (I was turning 10 then.)
Gone one day without food: I've gone three to five days without food because I couldn't keep anything down. It was the fault of a virus. Oi.
Talked on the phone all night: I don't talk on the phone very often.
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex: Yeah. I did that at the anime convention.
Slept all day: Look up at the other question about pulling an all nighter and see what you think the answer to this might be.
Killed someone: Hell no.
Made out with a stranger: Yeah and I don't ever plan to again.
Had sex with a stranger: Nope.
Thought you're going crazy: Thought? Okay...
Kissed the same sex: Yeah.
Done anything sexual with the same sex: Yep.
Been betrayed: Who hasn't?
Had a dream that came true: Maybe one and it was a bad one.
Broken the law: Not intentionally and definitely not in a way that was super illegal. The laws I've broken were accidentally done and were blue laws in the first place.
Met a famous person: Yeah.
Have you ever killed an animal by accident: No.
On purpose: No.
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell: Once to help someone.
Stolen anything: No.
Been on radio/tv: No.
Been in a mosh-pit: No.
Had a nervous breakdown: Repeatedly. Especially lately.
Bungee jumped: -HECK- no!
Had a dream that kept coming back: Yep, several, and every one of them were bad dreams that I know of.

Belive in life on other planets: Yep. Maybe not in this galaxy, but, yep.
Miracles: At times.
Astrology: Yeah.
Magic: Yes.
Santa: XD I'll say yes for the hell of it. 'Yes.'
Ghosts: Most definitely.
Luck: I think it's an even mix of both making your own luck and being blessed by the universe.
Love at first sight: No.
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad): Yes.
Witches: Yeah, I know one. She's not at all what stereotypical witches are said to be. (-No- witch I've ever heard of that really practiced witchcraft was like that.)
Easter bunny: No.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Maybe.
Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow: Unless someone got there before you.
Do you wish on stars: Every now and then.

Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell: Kind of and kind of not.
Do you think God has a gender: The Bible, for lack of other reading material I read it once, never said God told what gender He/She was. Keep in mind the church doesn't even want girls to be priests so why would they call God a She? They're totally sexist pigs.
Do you believe in organized religion: Organization is boring. I have my own religious beliefs and they're made up of beliefs from -every- religion.
Where do you think we go when we die: Hell if I know. Do I look dead to you?

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: Yeah.
Who is your best friend: Dejah, Riley, Raine, and Kreg.
Who's the one person that knows most about you: I don't really know.
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you: "Stand up for yourself you idiot!"
What's your favorite inside joke: Oh God please don't ask me to choose.
Thing you're picked on most about: My girlishness. *See compliment question above*
Who's your longest known friend: Ashley.
Newest: Rae-Rae and Kara!
Sweetest: Dejah and Teeno.
Closest: Dejah and Kreg. Teeno, too, I guess.
Weirdest: Riley and Dejah.
Smartest: I don't know. Probably Teeno.
Ditziest: Now do you really think I'm stupid enough to answer that where other people can see it?
Friends you miss being close to the most: Dustone and Kushi. Also, Izzi and Lynum.
Last person you talked to online: Riley.
Who do you talk to most online: Riley, Dejah, Raine, Ashley, Aaron, Zeea, and Kara.
Who are you on the phone with most: I don't talk on the phone that often. Jeff, though, I guess.
Who do you trust most: Dejah.
Who listens to your problems: Dejah, Riley, Aaron, Raine, and Kreg. Kushi and Dustone used to and probably still would if they were around. Teeno always does whenever he's online.
Who do you fight most with: Raine, Ashley, and Riley.
Who's the nicest: I'm not sure.
Who's the most outgoing: Again, I'm not sure. Probably Ashley because it's most certainly not Teeno.
Who's the best singer: I've only really heard Dejah, Raine, and Teeno sing. They're all three really good in my personal opinion.
Who's on your s**t-list: I should even -have- a s**t list? o0x
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend: Thought of?
Who's your second family: Zeea, Aaron, Raine, Dejah, Riley, Teeno, Kreg, Roy, Kara, Sanji, Julie, Brent, Val, and- oh God I'm forgetting someone. -HELP!-
Do you always feel understood: Dejah and Teeno.
Who's the loudest friend: ...Raine. And Ashley. Hands down. Riley's a close second tied with Dejah.
Do you trust others easily: Not usually.
Who's house were you last at: Mine. Heh.
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Danie's. Which is sad because she's my sister. I should have someone outside the family to feel safe with whereas romance is concerned. Urgh.
Do your friends know you: Kind of.
Friend that lives farthest away: Kushi.

Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake: At times.
What do you find romantic: Willingness to give everything one has for the one they love, cuddling, and gentleness.
Turn-on: That's my little secret.
Turn-off: That, too, is my little secret.
First kiss: Dustone, in a game of truth or dare. First real kiss, though, was Jeff.
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you feel: Flattered.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: Knowing them.
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out: Of course.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: Yes.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking: Some do.
What is best about the opposite sex: A lot of things that vary from person to person.
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex: See the previous question.
What's the last present someone gave you: A Malice Mizer CD.
Are you in love: If it exists, yes, I am. But I can't really tell the two people it's with, now, can I?

Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you: Dustone and Kushi.
You wanted to kill: The Evil One. (If I have no choice but to say the real name of the person instead of that nickname, then, fine. Chris.)
That you laughed at: Riley.
That laughed at you: Riley.
That turned you on: Definitely not telling anybody that one.
You went shopping with: Jeff and Kreg.
That broke your heart: Teeno.
To disappoint you: Teeno.
To ask you out: Jeff.
To make you cry: Teeno.
To brighten up your day: Dejah and Raine.
That you thought about: That's my little secret...
You saw a movie with: Danie if you want a literal answer. Romantically? Jeff.
You talked to on the phone: Jeff.
You talked to through IM/ICQ: Riley.
You saw: Kolo.

Right This Moment...
Are you going out: No.
Will it be with your significant other: What kind of question is -that?-
Or some random person: Oh for the love of- No!
What are you wearing right now: Clothes you pervert. Why're you asking?
Body part you're touching right now: My ear. It itches; sue me.
What are you worried about right now: A couple of friends of mine.
What book are you reading: Freakonomics.
What's on your mousepad: The mouse.
Use seven words to describe how you're feeling: Cold, lonely, depressed, drained, itchy, slightly entertained, kind of cynical.
Are you bored: A little.
Are you tired: Only slightly.
Are you talking to anyone online: Riley.
Are you talking to anyone on the phone: Nope.
Are you lonely or content: Lonely.
Are you listening to music: No. The Winamp Player just screwed up.

Yep that was all about me. Hope it gave you all an insight to who I am and what I like/dislike and my personality.

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