This prayer I say
says thy a graceful thorn
of lifeless vines
soon tender my mind
yet my scorned eyes die
within my sightless pride
yet so consumed by love
that love in which I defy
send no sorrow nor a lie
forever shook by my time
that timeless curse
in which I redeem
never loved by the scene
hast though gone
and purged by sin
my sins cursed with love
yet binded by hate
why O why then must I cry
hast my sin purged my urge
has this love I consumed died
then send my spirit with out love
to sing above the clouds so high
or had I died and sang good bye
must I live in sorrow
forwhich I cried my shrine
and take that sorrow
down and drown it still
for sin I must be gone
without it I mustn't live
good bye all soon hate
good bye all lively love
soon pray for lifes devine heart
consume my consent and leave me be
for I have not been soon gone
as though I have died and not been born
O scornful light pray though has no sin
since sins pray to die is loves loathed enemy
for shadows have my throne
and my throne has my love
yet it thrives on hate and love alone
still O still why must I cry
a departure so far yet so near I fear
this brawling hate take my lifes love
and shed a tear or two
for I have none to shed
nor nothing can I blame
it redeems my souls retched flame
it scratches my hearts once whole love
tether thou I shall cry not to the heavens
but to the screams of pain within the clouds
within its blessed moon so shame as though it is
I pray in glory and in ones' lost remedy
forever scorn as I am take me from this light
and let there be darkness by my tame
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