Its been the same
Ever since I saw you
Ever since I met you
Knowing that youre there
A friend and not a foe
Being there for me
When I need to talk to you
You listen to what I have to say
Helping me along the way
Seeing whats been lost
In my heart I know youre their
Helping me along the way
Through the hard times
And through the good times
Just knowing that youre there
For me makes me happy
If you left so sad shall I be
Still I walk through the valley
Holding onto what I have
Searching for nothing more
Than what I already have
I need nothing than your hand
To hold onto forever
Still my hope resides me
And my faith has been restored
Though I live in fear of losing you
I try not to cry though still I must
But only as a prayer for you
To be here by my side
Through eternity until we die
Still together even when were lost
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