through out this endless journey
i see all the lies that scared me
forever taring me of my life
my love so far so gone
it seems i have nothing to be
nothing to want only him
but he's so far away
i don't know what to do
another one come's and i'm gone
so confused in my thoughts
thinking of where i should be
whom i should be with
so many lies i can't seem see
these times so lost
have i yet lost my form
since when did i lose him
why did he have to go
forever scared in my mind
his love for me still there
i don't know what to do
all i see is the pain killing him
killing me from hurting him
what must i do to make things right
have i got all these things wrong
has my love for him been stripped
shaken by my cries for him
torn my heart all cuz i lost him
i have nothing now
nothing to live for
is this how my life will end
why must i live on an empty road
the course has faded
my ending is sooner than i wanted it
my life so gone with out him
i can't see myself with him no more
it hurts to be with him
my tears falling from my eyes
my blood thining with every drop
with every second lost
is this how i'll live my life
with out my being in his arms
have i lost my live in hate
so deprived as though i died
is this how life is supposed to be
is this why god created us
to torment us in love and hate
to watch us die and laugh
is this what we must go through
or should i just try to make it
even though i know i can't
i know i just can't make it without him
i won't survive is just to much for me
to much to handle
is there something i can gain
was there something to learn
a pain so deep and cursed
its hard to see what i am
and where i'll be from here
forever torn from him
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