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Gaia Life
A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Fourteen: Low Down Man
Whew. It's been a tiring week guys -- but it wasn't without it's excitement and fun. My project should be winding down, but instead it's heating up. Boy am I glad it's Friday!

UFO Hoax!
So many of you saw the floating house called "Alien Spacecraft!" in Barton Town this past week. There was a lot of speculation about what it was. Was it?

- A leaked spaceship area that wasn't finished yet?
- A weather balloon?
- The insane ramblings of a farmer who's had too much mash liquor?

The reality of it, I'm sad to say, is that a user found a glitch allowing them to place a house wherever they wanted and some user thought it'd be funny to exploit it.

Well, it was pretty funny, I guess, watching the GCD explode rofl

What I found interesting was how long it took us to figure out. I mean, I had seen it earlier on in the week - but I thought it was a doctored photo. It wasn't until yesterday when I actually went into towns and saw it and then noticed "Hey, it really is there!" and went over to ask someone what it was all about.

You'll notice we took care of the problem blaugh

Stress Makes You Sick
So my project deadline is coming up and I don't see how we're gonna make it. I was hoping to get it out before Halloween, but there have been unforseen delays. Users who talk to me regularly know I've been staying in late for a while now and flipping out about things at home sweatdrop

Nothing unusual though. If nothing else, it goes to show that we care a lot about the stability and funness (who cares if it's actually a word or not!) of our features.

Paypal... or PayENEMY?!
I couldn't help but make that title -- but it's not Paypal's fault really, so to all you Paypal haters: chill.

For those of you who haven't followed the controversy, casino games went down on the site last week or so.

Recently got a call from Paypal saying that we need to take away our Casino games or we would refuse to work with us. surprised We had only given a few hours to respond to their request and was quite surprised at the event. We are still trying to talk to them right now to see if we can bring the games back, with our fingers crossed...

Lanzer posted this in his work journal recently:

A small update to the current situation:

As of October 3rd, there had been a new law stating that credit card companies can no longer support casino games, and Paypal happens to be a credit card payment gateway also... We had got a chance to talk to Paypal regarding this issue, and they are very careful about not breaking the law, and so are we.

So put away your torches and pitchforks, guys rofl While I don't know what will happen next, you can be sure we won't leave a void where the casino once was.

L0cke presents: Taco Tuesdays
Yesterday Brunosmad (aka, "Gold Guy" rolleyes ) brought in his brazilian-music instruments and we had a spontaneous jam-session in the middle of the office. Darknrgy was on the drum, Brunosmad and I were on the berimbau, and various people took turns at the pandeiro (tambourine) and agogo (dual-cowbell).

It was really loud, so most of the office gathered around to see what all the noise was about. L0cke decided to name the group "Taco Tuesdays" rofl

Tag! You're it!
Lots of people have noticed a little hint at the bottom of Lanzer's profile that one of the features in development is called "Tagging System".

Nobody knows what it is... and I'm not going to tell you! But it's almost done eek Though if you're familiar with flickr or livejournal or any major blog system, you're probably already familiar with "tags" and so forth. Of course, the real power comes from what we choose to allow you to do with them!

User Comments: [36] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 07:45pm
I kinda wish I'd been there for the UFO stuff. xD

Aww, I hope we get an arcade or something if the casino games go away... ^^;;

Skeeball! surprised !

Taco?? I love tacos. x3

Edit: -gaspgaspgasp- First! O_O

24 More days until Halloween!

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 08:09pm
My day is so much better now that I read Fleep's journal.

I really hope PayPal can get to an agreement with Gaia.
PayPal is the only thing I can really use to get donation items.

Well... thank you Fleep for being the only reason I got up in the morning.

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LabTech David
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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 08:16pm
rofl Taco tuesday! rofl

A tagging system! eek (dont know what is it)

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 08:20pm
AHAHA. I've actually had the opportunity to play a berimbau before, and it struck me as the craziest idea for an instrument ever. A bow, a gourd and a rock. XD I just stuck with doing the capoiera, mostly, but playing that thing was highly entertaining.

Tagging. surprised

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DJ Twissta
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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 08:49pm

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 08:50pm
it makes me sad that it was a hoax, but when i saw the picture of Spawn in the guy's profile, i sort of figured it was.

this tag system makes me curious, since i haven't really used Livejournal that much and am not quite sure what everyone is talking about (and they always fail to explain more than 'like on Livejournal').

now you make me want to know what your project is since it's causing you trouble.

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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 09:01pm
I can only guess that Tagging allows you to mark something in some way. Like thread subscriptions or favoriting something, like a profile or arena entry...

Taco Tuesdays.

Taco Tuesdays.

Only from L0cke...

Is your project more emoticons? Site layout? Easier ways to do something we already can do?

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 09:07pm
Maybe that glich gave an idea for next year?

Wait, does gaia realy have deathlines? I toucht they where only a myth. eek

Replacement for the casino.......A gaian theme park. rofl (Well, you can win things but its not gambeling)

I don't go to blog sites so I cant even guess what will be made possible.

Edit: Why can you only edit a journal comment if you have a journal yourself?

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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 09:23pm
Yet again, Gaians go crazy about something, and it ends up being nothing. Or so you claim.

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 09:50pm
Stop getting yourself sick.
It makes Pepper worry. D:

I even told you not to get sick in the letter I sent in with my donation. =P
((Hopefully you guys get it soon...I sent it in on Monday with some art. -worries that maybe the envelope was too heavy or something- D:

Well, seeing as how I don't donate by Paypal, it wasn't much of a problem for me...though, I have no clue how I'm going to get those darn n_n glasses with 1000 tickets, now. And there's no way in hell am I buying those inflated little devils from the marketplace. D:

Haha, Gold Guy. x3

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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 10:56pm
Dammit now I want a taco.


User Image


(Actually I've been known to post pictures of food. )

You think the GCD exploded over the UFO thing? Come on, it couldn't have been worse than Ron Bruise's appearance? (Although I wouldn't know....I wasn't there for that...which makes me think it didn't explode as badly as it did then....) And there are still answers to be had about Mr. Bruise. But....I'm too excited about Halloween to care about much else. Considering how short and vague your journal entry is, I'm sure you and the Gaia staff are hard at work getting it ready for us! Yay! *throws confetti*

(btw, can't wait to see your halloween costume, you are dressing up, right?)

And take it easy! Stress is bad! Go to the spa or play ping pong or target fellow staffers with Nerf guns to relax!

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 10:57pm
Lovin' the Taco Tuesdays! rofl

Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 11:36pm
So that's what that thing I accidentally used for archery was... (the berimbau xD)

I feel sad that the spacecraft wasn't real... well, maybe it gave you guys an idea for plottiness... or not?

... so the casino's staying offline? Poopie.

Does the office have a punching bag for stressed out people? You should get one. They're good for when "head-to-desk xinfinite" doesn't work...

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 01:15am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Always look forward to your weekly updates.

The UFO was funny and I'm surprised it did take you guys that long to see it. rofl The tag system sounds ok, but I don't know what I'd use it for other than a few Journals; but my Gaia page already stores a quick link to them. My subscriptions page tags all the threads I want...so...I a little curious as to what you guys are up to.
Don't stress on the "secret project" with the release of the donation letters and the Halloween event coming up, it'll keep the masses entertained for awhile.

Hopefully you'll get to get on and enjoy the Halloween event!
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 02:35am
Wow, the Gaia offices always sound like so much fun for a work place. It makes me wanna come and join in, as many people would. <3

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 02:56am

Tacos. <3

I was going to see it.
But I decided not to.
Due to lag.
>. o

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
m o d o <3

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 05:49am
So your feature'll be released about Halloween? Is your feature Alien Skins?
I'm jus' messin with ya, good luck though!

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 08:04am
Its good to see your still posting, Ive been reading every post ^.^

It doesn't take much to make the GCD explode, thought its why i stick around there, exploding can be fun

poke someone for me to release information about the quest system, before i buy a ticket and fly over there and poke them myself! Thanks ^.^

Mistress Kalia
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Tuik Rancao
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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 05:38pm
Thanks for clearing up the UFO things Fleep! ^^

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 07:12pm
xd The UFO thing was a hoax, that's funny, just like in RL!!
I misses muh casino. Dang poloticians and their credit card laws!

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Kaze no Takuto
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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 07, 2006 @ 09:32pm
It's a very thorny situation... But Gaia doesn't use money for the casino! But then again, technically a user could buy a sealed envelope with cash, sell it, and use that gold to play casino games... So I guess I get where they're coming from. Unless they hate us just because it is a Casino. That's just stupid.

Tagging system?

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 12:07am
To be honest guys, I was hoping that UFO would of been real. If you guys aren't doing something like that this halloween. You should consider it for next. It'd make towns hella fun.

Yes, hella fun.

Anyways, as for tagging I feel you should allow us... er wait no me. Full power over them. Even more so on any site. Ok, even beyond tagging period. I request the abilty to grow 8.8 times my own size and wreak havoc among towns. YES, that would be the best "Tagging" system indeed.

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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 03:04am
That hoax really had a lot of press. haha, I remember thinking "must be a glitch".
I look forward to the tagging system. It'd be nice to just look at threads about what you're interested in.
Berimbaus look pretty strange. Was it fun to play?

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 03:27am
I so can't wait for tags *is a sucker for all that web 2.0 stuff* whee

Sticky situation with PayPal there, I hope you guys manage to resolve it somehow...

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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 07:45am
Hehehe, sorry 'bout the whole 'splodin thing sweatdrop But it was a fun ride.
People had seen the house and speculated on it before, but when I saw the "Alien Spacecraft" name attached to it, I just had to make a joke thread. Keeping perfectly serious when I knew it was just a glitch was easy though rofl

You thought I doctored an image just to get a thread started? emo Well, the second one was a bit of a take on doctored pics of farmers pointing at a cloud that they drew dots on in the negatives ninja What really made it fun was the people that played along! 4laugh

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 07:53am
I figured thats what the Tagging system would be about. Probably relating to posts some how... I'm curious!

The whole Alien Spacecraft thing was fun ^^. It reminded be of the whole "CREEPY HIDDEN GUILD" A while back which a few users were involved in.

Subscribing to your journal, because its awesome <3

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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 08, 2006 @ 08:27am
I totally knew that UFO was a hoax.
Everyone was like, "FOMG, YOU'RE LYING. ITS REALLLZZZ."
I'd personally like to thank you for clearing that up Fleep. 3nodding

I wanna hear you guys rock out. Taco Tuesdays is awesome. xD '

Stupid new laws, stupid paypal getting rid of the casino. D:<
I still think the other users in the GCD have a decent idea though, maybe we could make like a Chuck-E-Cheese kind of arcade. 3nodding

That'd be cool.

Urgh. I can't wait to see your new project, but I'm sure it'll be good once you finish it. biggrin

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 02:58am
rofl Sounds like even thought everything's been stressfull you still find time for fun <3 hope everything goes well for you guys.

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commentCommented on: Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 03:05am
Coming due date = good for us/bad for you, huh? D: Can't wait to see what it is. Don't hurt yourself or get any sort of disorder or anything though. >.>

Man, I'm so out of it. I have to go to the GCD more often.. ):<

Next time you do that jam session thing (Cause you should.) you should tape it and upload it for us. >:D (Cause you should..)

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 07:07pm
That taco in that pic is huge. gonk

Aw... I was hoping the Tagging system was going to be fun! DDDD:

Astral Despot
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 10, 2006 @ 01:27am
I do hope the casino comes back, it's very fun to play against Jinx.

Woo for the Taco Tuesdays!


I've never had a taco...

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 10, 2006 @ 03:07am
I always enjoy reading your journal, the office seems so interesting and fun. I recently applied at some Halloween Superstore, now hopefully I get this job i've been needing a job with more hours xp . Have you ever been to a Renaissance Festival Fleep?

Seal of the Scorpion
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Crushed Dreams
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commentCommented on: Thu Oct 12, 2006 @ 05:59am
Why did you stop updating your thread? ;_;
So many missed journal entries *sobs*

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 16, 2006 @ 09:57pm
I have to say this about the tagging system. xd ahem....

"Dun-dun-dddduuuunnnnn!" surprised

[damaged roses]
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 24, 2006 @ 02:19am


commentCommented on: Sun Dec 24, 2006 @ 02:29am
im kinda scared domokun mrgreen

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