Friday, April 20, 2007
Current mood: ecstatic
Category: Blogging
[Half of this is typed to mimick my handwriting.]
"i'm not that dumb."
"oh yeah? You look that dumb."
hehe. People are great. XD
Gaaah. i'm hungry.
it doesn't feeL like friday. i'm noT sure if i even want it to be.
i have to go to the doctor today... it'LL be the same Doctor i went to when i had the flu... Mom thinks he'LL help us because he seemeD so concerneD when he saw me hobbLe in with a neckbrace anD walker. i don't want to go... i reaLLy don't. it makes me nervous anD embarrassed. >.< Maybe i couLD tell mum that i don't care how mucH memory i lose, i'll deal with it the best i cAn and teLL my teachers to leave me the ******** alone. ******** teachers. Being All concerned and s**t.
it was okay 'til i got in here. got in french. meh. WTH is up with this? i've got my best friend in here but she's definiely not cheery. What's up with her? oh well?
can't wait 'til i get to go home. i'm going to work on all of my schooL stuff, try to get on the right track. or a better track. i'm almost exciteD about it. Lol, exciteD about working.
owch... i... just busteD my finger on the desk and automaticaLLy said "******** me!" i guess it's a gooD thing i'm practically invisible. Or they weren't paying attentioN. ...well, i really wasn't paying attention.
heh, another test in Algebra II. ******** it. I'll doodle on it and turn it in blank. i don't know the stuff anyway.
oh hey, i actually trieD on that test. *learneD a bit before we took it.* I'LL stiLL fail though. ^.^
--It's actually Saturday now. Yesterday... was amazing, to be honest. After I got out of school... I came home and Mother wanted to go hiking. My Mom's a *very* out-doorsy person. I like that, really. =3 And she's so ******** funny. She had me laughing all day long. It felt really good to be with my family, doing something outside, loving it. It was refreshing. ...And I got a lot of awesome pictures.
Plus this gorgeous video:
- natasha!
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Love, Suicide, and Graves
Complicated words flowing from my eager little mind to my fingers which transfer weird little thoughts onto this computer screen... Enjoy.